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Ooooo... He's THAT mystery guy huh? ;)

Pat, I'm Eddy Brennan on Princess's FB in case you'd not guessed, lol.

Well bed time for me now, but I shall not depart without telling a bedtime story for everyone.

Once upon a time,

In a land far away there was a bratty spoiled princess that got everything she wanted. Her parents doted on her and she got worse and worse as the years went on, everything she desired was hers, including a plantation in the South populated by thousands of slaves (yeah, I think we can gather she wasn't very nice). One day her parents died in a tragic and mysterious accident where their horse drawn carriage suddenly exploded (I did say it was mysterious) and not being old enough to take the throne, a wise and kindly woman was brought in to govern the throne until the girl was of age.

The wise woman saw how dark the heart of the princess was and decided the best way to teach her kindness was to deprive her of her worldly possessions and show her that charity is better than greed, doing so she gave away all of the princesses things to the poor and auctioned what people didn't want off on their version of Ebay, using those proceeds to help feed starving children in 3rd world countries. The princess was shocked and appalled by these acts and decided to head off and form a plan to get revenge on th wise woman. So she upped a left one dark night.

Wandering the woods she got lost and happened upon 7 dwarfs on their way home from a hard days mining. They were named Dai, Rgys, Dafydd, Gari, Ewan, Geraint and Bob (they were also Welsh for some reason for a fairytale world, Bob was called Bob coz no one could pronounce his real name unless you had a masters in Klingon). So they took her home with them to offer her food and lodging after she told them some lies about being the victim of cruelty and so on.

Months passed and the princess formed her plans to take the kingdom back and wreak vengeance on the kindly wise woman and one day Bob and Dafydd found it whilst cleaning. They told the wise woman of these hideously nefarious schemes and the wise woman told them to look upon the girl with kindness, so they did and tried to teach her so.

One by one the dwarfs strangely fell sick and died and when there were only 3 left the princess asked them how they enjoyed the stews and when the dwarfs admitted to liking them she told them they'd been eating their own dwarfs friends! So in a fit of outrage they killed the spoiled brat and the wise woman became the true queen of the kingdom (she took the throne reluctantly coz she was nice and stuff). At her celebratory banquet the remaining dwarfs served up a feast, their Princess Mousse really went down a storm.

The End

And with that I bid ye all a fond good night and sweet nightmares :)

Edited by LonelyPath
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*digs his way up from under the thread, a small pile of earth forming as he squeezes out and into the thread*

Frakkin KArn! Ever since he got the dreamer avatar, hes forever burying people!

*shakes loose soil from armour, pours a coffee, and reclines in his special guild leather chair*

Morning peeps! And Steam, Its a lovely book isn't it?!

Got my purchase list all worked out, now to settle into reading the fluff....

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