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Keep the pics clean...

*raises a brow* It was..... at least when I linked it originally....

EDIT: Put up a new pic but that was strange.... I went back to the link and it's perfectly clean. Though when examing the original image host, yeah there is something explicite further down that page though I had no way of knowing. Sorry about that.

Edited by karn987
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Bloody gore with a nude woman's torso chopped in half is work safe for you?

Yeah I have no idea what your talking about now..... that wasn't what showed up for me. Whatever your seeing is a technical glitch and NOT what I originally tried to link to..

*Scratches head* Wish I knew what exactly happened... I finished the post and the hit save and it showed the correct image..

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*raises a brow* It was..... at least when I linked it originally....

EDIT: Put up a new pic but that was strange.... I went back to the link and it's perfectly clean. Though when examing the original image host, yeah there is something explicite further down though I had no way of knowing.

That's better.

Huh? I must have missed something! ;)

No. No you didn't. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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Yeah I have no idea what your talking about now..... that wasn't what showed up for me. Whatever your seeing is a technical glitch and NOT what I originally tried to link to..

*Scratches head* Wish I knew what exactly happened... I finished the post and the hit save and it showed the correct image..

It was a redirect for hotlinking their pic without their permission. The image name was ohyoudidnot.jpg

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oops almost forgot to take vitamins !

So my Lucius bomb works pretty good , I love finding new ways to be nasty with Lucius , cant wait for the warden ! I dub the build Foerenders Lucius bomb of nastiness .

Oh? How does it go? I've never dived to far into Lucius but I hear very mixed views about him. My own experience with him has been middle of the road to be honest.

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Oh? How does it go? I've never dived to far into Lucius but I hear very mixed views about him. My own experience with him has been middle of the road to be honest.




papa loco


2 hounds


activation one grandma shotgun weddings Lucius obeys Lucius to move a walk , second activation companion Lucius , Perdita , papa loco . walk perdita than obey Lucius to walk than walk her agian heroes gamble if you dont have a high card or just go to over watch . Than have Lucius walk twice than reinforcements on papa loco putting him in front of the opposing crew , walk loco into the best spot for take you with me cheating a nice high card than melee attack leaving loco at one wound .

so on your second activation you blow up pap loco in there face , this is better than the obey bomb IMO since it basically can throw Loco over terrain and is less card intense , the second obey from dita isn't a must cast . The crew also runs well if the bomb goes wrong .

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papa loco


2 hounds


activation one grandma shotgun weddings Lucius obeys Lucius to move a walk , second activation companion Lucius , Perdita , papa loco . walk perdita than obey Lucius to walk than walk her agian heroes gamble if you dont have a high card or just go to over watch . Than have Lucius walk twice than reinforcements on papa loco putting him in front of the opposing crew , walk loco into the best spot for take you with me cheating a nice high card than melee attack leaving loco at one wound .

so on your second activation you blow up pap loco in there face , this is better than the obey bomb IMO since it basically can throw Loco over terrain and is less card intense , the second obey from dita isn't a must cast . The crew also runs well if the bomb goes wrong .

*whistles* Niceee and hard to stop to, no real chance to interrupt it... and people say the Dreamer Bomb is nasty. I think I have to put this to the table and see it for myself, but good thining man!

*Edit: Even you can't Shotgun Wedding Lucius, that doesn't really do much to this besides slow it down if I recall the action correctly... (just adding Family to their characteristics or something... basically enabling that model to be part of the Ortega Alpha Strike)

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