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@Munkey- Dude, that sucks. I'll be praying for you, man.

@Fell- Pretty good, actually. Not horribly sleep deprived at the moment. Painted Seamus last night, pretty pleased with how he turned out...still need to figure out how to paint eyes. 10 years of painting, and can't manage it...also got started on Steampunk Dorothy, really enjoying the model.

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Morning Fell and edonil.

A very balanced day so far. Felt lousy in the morning but got better quickly so I think that is just Monday morning blues. Looks like a week of bad weather but the flip side of that is not feeling guilty about not mowing the lawn. And I had a good weekend of starting to put Gencon stuff together.

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@edonil: painting eyes... takes a very steady hand. and... 3 layers... minimum to make them look true to life... 4 is best. (a wash to give the eye depth, white (or whatever color you want the majority of the eye), a touch of color for the iris, then take a flesh that is not the same as your face (I ususally go with something darker/pinker) and clean up the edges of the eye (so they look similar). The folks who paint for Malifaux can do the light in the eyes and stuff... but I don't have the money to buy the brushes to do THAT kind of work...

I paineted all day Sunday... Finished aSonnia... aJustice (but I need to buy her a base)... alt Justice... Undead Justice... and I'm almost done with Alt 'Dita... I need to get bases for every one of them, and then they'll be ready to play :D

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depends on the model... and the look I'm going for.

I like Devlin Mud or Sepia for guys and the more gritty ladies.... I used Black on the Belles I painted... sometimes I use colors like blue or green to give them a painted look... Black is going to look like makeup. browns are going to look more like shadow... as long as they aren't too heavy. Devlin Mud can look really dark sometimes... a Couple layers of Sepia work pretty well though... and it's softer than black or Mud... *shrugs*

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