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*inspired by her swordplay(see what I did there). Pulls out one of the katanas attached to his back, and yells*

I Deadpool will assist Ye!

*whispers to him self*

Ye? Ye? What am I a pirate?

*snaps back to the moment, and runs toward the action. But, saddly trips on a rubber duck, and decapitates him self*

Edited by Deadpool
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*His body twitches. Then proceeds to lift its self up, and shuffle around in a panic trying to find its missing body part.*

Over here. No to your left! Your other left!

*After the dismembered head navigated its body it got picked up, but not before getting a throat full of dirt. Placing the head back on the neck, the wound completely healing in moments. Then pulls his mask up to cough up a impossible amount of dirt clumps.

Woo! What a rush thanks Lady, I could of handled the healing myself but the boost made it quicker.

*then goes back to whispering to himself*

Why is it so hard to do that, huh? I mean that's happends to us all the time, you should be able to........

*continues to rant to himself*

Edited by Deadpool
my russian is bad.
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Does Fell know your UNDEAD Dwug?

*from somewhere below, an unfamiliar voice echoes ...*

[distant] Did someone say UNDEAD??!! [/distant]

*the cellar door bursts open as a wall of shambling corpses lurch up the stone steps and into the light, stumbling with purpose toward anything with a pulse*

*from beyond the horde, deep in the cellar ...*

[distant] Sorry guys, Nico's over for cake and cold pizza. I told him to leave his friends at home but he's just so lazy, riding his pimp chariot. No, seriously. Use your legs, you lazy old bastard! Whatever. He thinks the ladies love it. Dude, shutup, you know that's why! You're so old, you don't even know ... [/distant]

*the voices from below are lost, drown out by the howling of the damned, moving now with grim determination*

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pulls out a table and sets up a game of killer bunnies , lets go everyone !

*the zombies stop, stare, then shuffle to their seats*

*those who are too slow instead pout and mill about, watching over the shoulders of those playing, pointing at cards and grunting suggestions*

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Nico seems like an anchovies type of guy. Hey Hatchethead do you guys get seperate pizzas or are you down with the fish on pizza thing? *Yuck Anyway are you guy making another pizza run soon cause I'm hungry? What to have for lunch hmmn?

I'm pretty much down with anything on anything, but that's just me. Nico's a picky eater. The old man likes pineapple, he's all about the Hawaiian.

Plenty of leftovers if you want some.

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