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On a good note something I ordered that will be used to convert one of my Malifaux bits has arrived... yay! :D Thats all my orders up-to date now and means on my days off I can start work. The lady needs to work on her Ramos stuff also so I'm sure either Friday afternoon and/or Saturday will be a Malifaux building and painting session :D


Sounds like a fun weekend mate, I just ordered the stuff to put together another assault squad for 40k thanks to some Ebay bargains (I love winning auctions on the opening bid, heheh). I really need to find some cheap Rhinos as well somewhere ;)

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And there's no Rowdy Roddy Piper around the beat THEY up either :(

Ah, I loved that movie, so cheesy :D

"What's the matter, baby?" :P

They Live is a classic. As much as purists would cry heresy, I'd love to see it remade in a somewhat more serious vein. It's a great concept that still feels fresh today.

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"What's the matter, baby?" :P

They Live is a classic. As much as purists would cry heresy, I'd love to see it remade in a somewhat more serious vein. It's a great concept that still feels fresh today.

It's one I wouldn't mind seeing a remake of for the same reasons. For once it'd be a remake that would be viable. I normally hate remakes and not watched the remake of Fright Night, to frightened of how they've ruined another good movie :(

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Oh, and I've done my good deed of the day. Someone was using 3 full lines on gifs in their sig, but I enlightened them and saved our gifs from certain doom :D

And now to be evil!

~parks a 18 wheeler on Hatchet's trap door, hides Princess's sweets under the throne, paints Chocobo to make him look rusty whilst he's sleeping, etc.~

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Oh, and I've done my good deed of the day. Someone was using 3 full lines on gifs in their sig, but I enlightened them and saved our gifs from certain doom :D

And now to be evil!

~parks a 18 wheeler on Hatchet's trap door, hides Princess's sweets under the throne, paints Chocobo to make him look rusty whilst he's sleeping, etc.~

Doing good things is always nice but there's nothing quite like being cheeky to those three! :D

*Joins in and chucks a few piglets about for good measure*

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~laughs evilly, wraps self in cloak and vanishes in a puff of smoke~

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! My evil is done!

~voice strangely comes from behind a large painted piece of card, plus you can see my finger tips holding it at the edges~

*LonelyPath fails to notice the rig above his head, just like the one from Carrie but with piglets in a container instead of blood*

*Pulls string*

Take that! :D

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~Regnal underestimates my amazing Pirate Ninja skills and I slaughter the piglets in mid air so that I do get covered in blood... then I head off and slaughter a bunch of annoying teen horror movie characters before coming back~

Ah, I feel so much better now :D

Uh... reading back on what I just typed, I may have O.D'd on anime today...

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