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~wakes up on the throne wondering how pink fuzzy slippers ended up on my feet when they weren't there last night~ Well, at least they're in the form of Teddy feet...


How is everyone this fine morning, I do hope all is well and good with the world, if it's not then I'll have to just blow it up 12 years earlier than I'd planned to, heheheh ;)

And Princess, go have a row with your house mate and his GF about waking up up at such a horrible hour!

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Hi Karn!


What, nothing for us?

Hayzel made us sausage/bacon sarnies!

And the Muffin tree doesn't count...

Whiner... oh alright... *waves a hand and summons a large table with 10 plates on it, each one has a metal cover over it* Pick one and see what you get!

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Whiner... oh alright... *waves a hand and summons a large table with 10 plates on it, each one has a metal cover over it* Pick one and see what you get!

I'm going for Plate number 6....

*lifts cover. eyes plate contents suspiciously*

Whats that? Looks like ........ ewwww!

*pokes wobbly bits with fork*

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~lifts a lid and finds a severed head~

Karn, how'd you know it was what I was wanting today?! It's just what I needed to finish my Flesh Golem.

~walks behind the throne cackling evilly, then the sounds of drills and lots of sparks start up followed by some lightning~

You found the head...I think I may have the entrails....:(

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~sticks head out from behind the throne, wearing goggles, rubber gloves (marigolds) and my hair looking wild~ anyone got any spare teslacoils, I need another... ~does a quick count~ ...68 :)

uuhhh... *rumages around in his bag and pulls out a Pikachu*

Will this work? It's some kind of electric Rat...

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