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Dax dying in DS9 killed the last of my interest in the show. Enterprise... well, the less I say about that the less likely my choice of language would get me kicked off here ;)

I enjoyed Voyager for the most part, but I really wish they'd allowed Birman's original script for the 2 part finale, it was VERY dark and tied in with what would have happened if Picard hadn't challenged Q in "Q Who" (possibly the best episode in TNG).

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see, i liked Enterprise!

If i had to rank them it would be:

1) Deep Space Nine

2) Enterprise

3) The next Generation

4) The Original Series

5) Voyager

:D Mines almost the reverse of that!

1) Original

2) Voyager - Gets even better once Seven arrives ;)

3) Next Gen

4) DS9

5) The poopy series

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the format of he original series, next gen and voyager.....the lets fly somewhere, meet some aliens, sort something out, fly off...

I know thats the whole point but it bugged me!

Whereas DS9 and Enterprise had more of an Underlying story that tied the whole series together...

I really bonded with the characters more.

*holds heart out to Hayzel*

Here you go, I improved it...now it glows when you're angry!

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*clicks fingers, and all parts are fixed back onto Regnak... in the correct places*

*Moves left ear* Check!

*Moves right ear* Check!

*Moves both ears* Check! Check!

*Moves little finger on left hand* Check!

*Moves finger next to that* Check!.......

You guys might wanna take a seat.. this will take a while! :D

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