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I ordered from them once. I got a refund in the end because the stuff never turned up but it took a long time to resolve due to unanswered emails and no decent account or order tracking system. What is it you are looking to order as I can think of a couple of better webstores.

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Princess, can we have our story time now please? :D

AB, what part of North Wales? Are you in Wrexham itself? That's only about a 40 minute drive from me (I'm in Newtown), not that I drive though, hahaha.

I've been following the riots on the tv myself. The other night they had 7yr olds rioting and wrecking the place! It's also about time they noticed how organized the break outs that. They're waylaying the emergency services and then starting up well out of their reach so it'll take a good hour or two before any police, etc. can be organized and get to the new location. At least the riots in Birmingham (likely copycats) were squashed pretty quickly.

Time to get out the water cannons, beanbag guns, rubber bullets, the military and enforce a cerfew over the London area. Every thing the PM could have done over a video conference with his cabinet at any point over the last couple of days really.

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I personally cannot stand firearms of any form. I am also a pacifist though, but I do know when violence is needed and warranted, like knocking down the idiots rioting in London since most of them don't seem to have a clue and just joined in since it looked fun... morons...

Shame the riot, K9 handlers and ARP units are so small and few, even if they piled them all from across the UK into London it wouldn't be enough. Like I said, get the military in there.

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'Morning Karn! How was Gencon?

Well, they seem a little calmer at the moment...gas was noticeably cheaper when I put some in my tank today, so happy about that. Right now looking forward to doing some teaching tonight, and day number three of my three day work week.

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If I was in a town with a train, I might use it...but our bus system scales so far all over the place, that it would be faster to walk than to bother with it. The ten minute drive to work takes 2 hours on a public transportation. Had to do it for a while last year, not any fun.

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