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Craptacular, Regnak. Keep your head down, stay safe.

It's freakin' embarassing, isn't it? Vancouver is still recovered from game 7 of the Stanley Cup.

... I hate that rioters tend to get off without even a slap on the wrist. No consequences, no fines, no jail time. They should all be arrested, put on an island and forced to fight for dominance over a burnt out car and a broken plate glass window.

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Man...whatever may be going on here in the States, at least I can be thankful we don't have this going on.

Yeah, its spreading around the country.. scary times. I'm stuck at work and the Fiancee is stuck at home.. Don't even know what the state of travel will be like tomorrow so might not even be able to get home... But will attempt walking if I have to... :(

I really hope that bring in the army after this meeting later... the police cannot cope.. there's areas that they are showing on the the news that haven't had any police turn up yet and people are clearing out every shop and laughing and joking as they go... thousands are involved in this...

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Craptacular, Regnak. Keep your head down, stay safe.

It's freakin' embarassing, isn't it? Vancouver is still recovered from game 7 of the Stanley Cup.

... I hate that rioters tend to get off without even a slap on the wrist. No consequences, no fines, no jail time. They should all be arrested, put on an island and forced to fight for dominance over a burnt out car and a broken plate glass window.

Yeah, they keep saying police will bring all these people to justice... YEah right! So they can arrest thousands of people many of whom are wearing masks... I'd be suprised if 1% of the people involved are caught...

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Yeah, its spreading around the country.. scary times. I'm stuck at work and the Fiancee is stuck at home.. Don't even know what the state of travel will be like tomorrow so might not even be able to get home... But will attempt walking if I have to... :(

I really hope that bring in the army after this meeting later... the police cannot cope.. there's areas that they are showing on the the news that haven't had any police turn up yet and people are clearing out every shop and laughing and joking as they go... thousands are involved in this...

:/ eeesh. I'll be praying for Britain tonight, and specifically for you and anyone heading home.

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Are you working third shift, Regnak?

Third shift? As in Night shift? If so yep, on the nightshift until 6:00am here... currently its 2:00am... Due in for another night tonight but might see if I can get that off as I don't want to be stuck here is things kick off at home... :(

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Eurgh. I have work at 8am (It's almost 3am), and I'm so disgusted at some people in our country. Eg, our ex-mayor of london, Ken Livingstone on BBC saying how it's all the younger generation can do to riet as the government have given them no opportunity?!? WHAT?!? You utter idiot, the people who are doing the rioting are the people who don't want to have opportunities because they don't care. Don't take their side you idiot. Going on about how the government took away education maitenance allowance (Up to £30 a week, for attending school, based on household income). I never got that, so should I be rioting??!

Then the people themselves. They aren't protesting for anything, merely shamless vandalism. Then some people on facebook arguing sort of for the riots. I mean come on. ARGH. //Wound up.

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I just don't understand how people my age and younger (20) can have the mindset that they want to ruin people's lives...

You'll find that everywhere you go, unfortunately. It isn't so much a mindset that they want to ruin someone else's life, it's that they don't give a damn about anyone's life except their own. Sadly, I'm not surprised by it anymore...with so many people teaching and believing there's no such thing as morality, these kinds of things are only a matter of time.

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Bristol , whats in Bristol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, apparently Hayzel will be...surely thats motivation enough!? ;)

And hello everyone...I see these riots have no end in sight. Thankfully i live in North Wales so the nearest we get to riots is when sheep get lairy!

But it looks terrifying in the cities, and I really do feel for the 'normal' people who are trying to go about their everyday lives with those idiots being asses. The sooner we get a Judge Dredd society the better!

I am spending a nervous day today hoping and keeping my fingers crossed that the football team i have supported for over 25 years will still be in existence by tonight.

Wrexham FC have been given an ultimatum by the league to meet some financila conditions if they are to be allowed to start the season on Saturday.

Oh and congrats Foerender on the 12,000th post! And you never even noticed...... ;)

I only hope we can.

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