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Off Topic Playground

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*Wanders aimlessly, dusting Monoliths, restocking sweets, fluffing the cushion on the throne, catching, killing and eating a fat Guild Captain who somehow escaped the confines of his wrought iron cage, oiling the hinges on the trapdoor ...*

Edited by Hatchethead
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I dunno...I'm just looking forward to getting my Gencon order. Got it in Thursday morning, hoping that I can get my stuff by this weekend, but we'll see. Trying to figure out some time to get in some practice games for a tournament in a little over a week...Been doing so many demos, I haven't had a lot of time to get good with any of my Crews, least of all Raspy.

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Yeah, found the Off Topic Thread - I'm really bad in finding things...

If LonelyPath thinks it's good to say that: "I am not a number, I am a free man!" - well, I'm actually a free woman, but never mind

Welcome Belladonna, hope you come back..its usually a lot more active than it seems to have been over the weekend...;)

I wonder.... if I post ponies here, will it get the entire thread locked? #philosoraptor

Don't...just don't....

Morning. Everyone seems to be missing.

Is there the secret Gencon today. The one with the special handshake to get in?

Shh! Yup, that would be it...I'm standing in a giant hall filled with litter and the smell of stale sweat.

But I'm here!! ;)

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I've only used Raspy's starting box and in all three games I've had with her she does all the work. I think I caused a grand total of one wound with the rest of the group.

The Golem is pretty decent...but I've never been a fan of the Gamin. They've never worked for me. I really like Raspy with a Freikorps Trapper, actually. Gives her a bit of help with ranged warfare so she isn't doing quite so much everything.

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