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So, just jumping on here to tell folks- if you were at all curious about the Captain America movie, it was amazing. Easily the best superhero movie I've ever seen. Excellent choices of actors, great writing, good special effects (you can see my priorities here...) and just overall an amazing movie.

Edit: You should all go watch it.

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Good night out turned bad. Was accused of things I hadn't don,e so the less I say about it the better. I will recover since I now know who my friends are and know who to avoid in future.

Still, there are a few plates of birthday cookies left for those who want them!!

And goodnight to our Princess! (tucks you in)

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Good night out turned bad. Was accused of things I hadn't don,e so the less I say about it the better. I will recover since I now know who my friends are and know who to avoid in future.

Still, there are a few plates of birthday cookies left for those who want them!!

And goodnight to our Princess! (tucks you in)

Tomorrow (or Today) is a new day. Things will seem better then. *Takes a Cookie, Gives a reassuring pat on the back and dashes off back into the swamp*

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Made another Fan fic model

Foe Render

Minion, Mercinary, MS&U Member, Guardsman, Freikorps Unique, Scavanger cost 7

30mm base

Wk/Cg 5/- Ht 2 Wp 5 Ca 4 Df 5 Wd 7

Clockwork Pistol

Rg :ranged 16

CB 5:rams



Part of the Union: This model can be hired by crews led by MS&U Members for one less soulstone

New and Old Work: Reduce the Hiring cost of this model by one when hired in a crews containing Lucius or Von Schill

Freikorps Armour

Frekorps Mercenary

From the Shadows




(2) Rider Hunter: If this model is in base to base contact with a friendly FoeHunter, Bury this model

(1) Patchwork repares, discard a Scarp counter, a friendly FoeHunter makes a healing flip


Cb (:rams) Crit Strike [Clockwork Pistol]

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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