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# downs whatever is left in his bottle of booze , stumbles and crashed into the pink throne , accidentally falling asleep on flying pig buttom #:flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig:

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# downs whatever is left in his bottle of booze , stumbles and crashed into the pink throne , accidentally falling asleep on flying pig buttom #:flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig::flypig:

They look like ponies, don't let sketch see them !!

Good morning guys wazup?

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Lady justice isn't fun :(

Oh you obviously haven't seen her let her hair down then!

#makes mental note to call her later...#

Time to power up the old dirigible for the trip home. It was an interesting day here to say the least.

I will return!

#Marches off proudly. Straight through the wrong door and into a cupboard#

#tries to shuffle out without anyone noticing#

ummm...Word of advice, don't go walking into cupboards in here, you are likely to end up maimed, dead or even worse.....in a GW store #shudder#

*walks in wearing a cape; strikes a pose and says (in her best transylvanian accent)*

Good evening...

Lol, roleplay now eh?

#sits down and pours a coffee from the monolith, and takes a slice of cherry pie#

Ok, peeps, wassup?

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Scotland. Go right to the top and turn left.

I was born in Wales. But in the south, West Glamorgan.

wooo, I can't see there being a thriving Malifaux community that far up? I thought North Wales was bad! Though i think i'm the only one in about a 50 mile radius lol...

oh and




(trust me you'll be impressed ;))

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wooo, I can't see there being a thriving Malifaux community that far up? I thought North Wales was bad! Though i think i'm the only one in about a 50 mile radius lol...

oh and




(trust me you'll be impressed ;))

*Appears on AB's head, snoring quietly*

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#pokes LCB#

OI! Can you never arrive in the correct place?

And you are incredibly heavy, and ditch that kid! Don't we have a creche in this thread?

*Reaches down and grabs AB by his wheels, doing some kind of complicated flip Karn winds up sleeping on the ground now and AB some where in Nebraska*

Mmmmrrrrrrgggggppphhhhhhh *opens one dark eye to stare at Steamhammer* Mmmmm new person.....

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*Reaches down and grabs AB by his wheels, doing some kind of complicated flip Karn winds up sleeping on the ground now and AB some where in Nebraska*

Mmmmrrrrrrgggggppphhhhhhh *opens one dark eye to stare at Steamhammer* Mmmmm new person.....

#looks around....doesn't recognise anything#

Hmmm, Nebraska eh? Nothing special..

#gets out phone, calls KArn..#

Can you get that kid to bring me back...Obviously you have to bury someone else first...chocobo may be willing...

Oh and be nice to the new person..he is as mental as us...he's now one of us...ok...one of us...

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