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@ Deluge, maybe in smaller fast food outlets that is the case, but I think a large multinational chain like Mcdonalds is likely making quite healthy money from the individual stores?  After all, they are selling a small burger, some fries and a drink for about £4.50...  The actual raw material to make those burgers is likely to be costing them about £0.50 a meal...don't forget they can buy in huge amounts from suppliers for large discounts.


Light and heat are likely to be high overheads granted.


I couldn't comment on wastage (in the back I mean, not left by customers).


But I bet the wages are only just at or above the minimum they have to pay.  It may have changed but I was on a comparable pay with a manager of a mcDonalds when I was just a stock clerk in a Boots.  They worked 40+ hours a week, I worked 34.

My Friends region is Leeds and Bradford, all in all 50ish "units" the average daily profit of each store is in the region of £100 a day, the biggest drain on profit is wastage as they need to hire specific companies to courier and dispose of the food waste. Every burger that is on the "stand" for more then 5 minutes is thrown away, each day each of these stores throws away in the region of 2 tonnes of uneaten food. THAT is my issue with fast food companies

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No need, Vic. We ususally talk politics for only short amounts of time, either because we all disagree or all agree.


So, I recently watched the first half of Sarah Connor Chronicles. It wasn't as bad as I expected.

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Crush, our supermarkets and even some newsagents have the self serve checkouts now in most stores.  I actually prefer the experience as if I am only buying 6 things I don't have to queue behind people with huge trolleys full.


Unfortunately, I guess it is contributing to a lack of jobs in the marketplace.


There are a lot of people living on the poverty line in the Uk.  However , a lot of these are not doing themselves any favours.  I used to work in benefits for a year or two and would regularly get phone calls along the lines of:


"I need an emergency loan to buy some food. "  I would go through the standard questions.  Turns out this pensioner was buying ALL her food from MArks and Spencers.  For our US/European friends, that is NOT cheap.  When I asked why she didn't try shopping even at somewhere like Tesco, she replied that she simply couldn't be seen shopping there, and she had always shopped at M & S.  I felt like saying.."you would rather starve than be seen shopping somewhere your friends don't?"


Or the other one was " I can't afford my heating bills, I need more benefit"  I questioned her.  Again it was a pensioner living by herself in a 5 bedroom house.  Ok, it was the family home, but they had all moved out.  I put the idea of maybe selling her house and downsizing.  She was mortified (and I understand the connection thing) that I would suggest such a thing.  I actually got a complaint against me.  But its a house.  I would rather sacrifice that and keep the memories than freeze during the winter.

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Wait. You have regulations regarding how long food can remain unpurchased when prepared? 


THAT'S why fast food isn't as profitable there as here. You wouldn't believe how many places receive a passing grade from the health department because of our poor food service standards :D


Also, not kidding. Ask Benshin. He used to work in a restaurant ;)

lol, I'm no expert, but I will say that working in the food industry does teach you to appreciate their efforts.  Plus it builds character.  Never knew as much about breakfast foods, until I started working at IHOP. :P

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"I need an emergency loan to buy some food. "  I would go through the standard questions.  Turns out this pensioner was buying ALL her food from MArks and Spencers.  For our US/European friends, that is NOT cheap.  When I asked why she didn't try shopping even at somewhere like Tesco, she replied that she simply couldn't be seen shopping there, and she had always shopped at M & S.  I felt like saying.."you would rather starve than be seen shopping somewhere your friends don't?"


Or the other one was " I can't afford my heating bills, I need more benefit"  I questioned her.  Again it was a pensioner living by herself in a 5 bedroom house.  Ok, it was the family home, but they had all moved out.  I put the idea of maybe selling her house and downsizing.  She was mortified (and I understand the connection thing) that I would suggest such a thing.  I actually got a complaint against me.  But its a house.  I would rather sacrifice that and keep the memories than freeze during the winter.

My last comment on the topic: We have that problem here too, and I've seen it first hand. People are living a lifestyle that are just simply beyond their means, and have no motivation to work for a better life for themselves. It's depressing, honestly...


After my divorce, I sold my house and moved to a smaller place. Was it a trying experience after living there for 10 years? Absolutely, but it was still the best decision I made, and I'd do it again if I had to.

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Wait. You have regulations regarding how long food can remain unpurchased when prepared?

THAT'S why fast food isn't as profitable there as here. You wouldn't believe how many places receive a passing grade from the health department because of our poor food service standards :D

Also, not kidding. Ask Benshin. He used to work in a restaurant ;)

Oh yes there was even talk of a "pasty tax" a while ago to help distributers to make less losses on wastage

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Nah, this is a fine topic, its just one that riles me up.  <3


I get that. I have a few of those.


Wait. You have regulations regarding how long food can remain unpurchased when prepared?


Yes. McDonald's have to change the burgers lying there pretty regularly. You cannot be served anything that was prepared more than 10 (?) minutes ago.


@ Dirial, I liked the Sarah Connor Chronicles...


I'm not sure I like it (in my opinion, only the first Terminator movie made sense even remotely), but it's some good stuff in there. I watched for Demon, and it has some thematic things going on.

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@ PD..Feathers...difficult.


It depends on what colour or 'sheen' you want them to have.  Start with a very dark grey base might be helpful?


Then a wash of black to shade the detail.  Then if you wanted a blue/green sheen like a magpie paint very fine lines of both colours along one edge (and maybe towards the centre of the feather a little).. But keep the edge consistent.


Then I guess subtle highlights on the body of the feather, and see how it looks.  Keep washing or blending until you are happy?


I am crap at trying to explain things lol!






Besides, I wouldn't take advice from the guy who never paints! ;)

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