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cool, she may as well get Ulix and Wong too!


She abstains from the piggies for the moment, and didn't want to buy more than one box at Gencon. If you ever found me too reasonable, you'd not get along well with her. :D

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I spent some time last night getting together those models I already have,and looking at the models I aim to have built after Gencon purchases.  That is a crap load of gremlins!


I haven't based any of them yet and plan on getting special resin bases to tie them all together throughout the faction.  I think I will need to put in an order for those next month!

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Morning Crush.


You need to up your game..Deluge is into a second shift, only a couple of hours after the last one!



In theory 3rd shift in 2 days with 2 hours sleep interrupting them, plus an hours nap at my desk

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quick question..


gremlin related.


I have 5 Bayou gremlins at the moment..do I need 4 more?  Would there be situations where extra may be needed.


I have 1 hog Whisperer.  I read somewhere 2 may be beneficial in some builds?


I have 4 piglets.  I fee I need more especially if using Ulix.  Should I get more?

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