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Lol, we take it in turns to take our daughter to bed...unless she is ill then she wants mummy.


However, if she gets scared, she wants daddy to stay with her until she falls asleep again.


Funny how stereotypes seem ingrained naturally even in todays society.  The child looks to the maternal figure for comfort, and the paternal figure for protection!

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Victoria of the extra lines,


maybe you should get your Hammer out and swing it threateningly....and simply mention that if your cup and spoon are not returned sharpish there will be some RELIC SMASH action in the office!


Or possibly, the cleaner tipped them thinking they were rubbish?

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Sure, I'd be up for that. Couldn't do a ton of stuff, but a Shenlong or High River Monks box would be something I can pull off easily enough.


Great! At this point, I'd only want to pick up Shenlong anyway. If you think you'd have room for a Lone Swordsman though, let me know. I'll PM you later with my contact info.



I told him to just use Perdita for the tournament, but he is all kinds of crazy for Shenlong now that he's available 




lol, Perdita isn't off the table yet. I have all but 3 models painted for her crew, so all I'd need is some practice with her.



I just stay away from tournaments fullstop.....painting deadlines?  *shudder*


I actually don't know if this tournament as a painting requirement. I just feel funny fielding an army that isn't completely painted is all. If anything, I love tournaments for these reasons. Motivates the hell out of me to get on my painting. I don't think I've painted as much as I did in the past 2 months than I had in the past 2 years.

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