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Hm. Do I want to try to get my copy of AvP at Gencon, or not worry about it since they'll be shipping them out in August...


Uh, unless you can get it cheaper at Gencon, I wouldn't worry about it then.



Crap, I lost my plastic glue, lol. Anyway, how's things going for everyone?



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Heh, they owe me a copy from Kickstarter, so it's already paid for. It's an issue of do I want to try picking up my core game copy from them at Gencon, or just wait for it to be shipped with the various bonuses that I also have coming.

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How's the game play? Godslayer, I mean. Cause that looks like a fantasy skirmish game I could get in to.


It has certain similarities to Beastmachine (stats and dice rolls) It works however, with alternate activations and AP per unit/character, with attacks often costing 2-3 ACT. Lots of ways to buff unit/characters. Most units/characters have "Tacitcs", actions that cost ACT and can buff/debuff targets or have special things. For example, an unit of Mortan Legionaires can use the Tetsuedo Tactic, which gives them +2 ARM while in b2b with another member of their unit, or they can use Pilum Assault, which allows them to make a ranged attack on the charge before completing their move. (and redirecting their move if the Pilum kills something.

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My Perdita has lost the muzzle of her pistol. Can't find it. No explanation how it happened. I love that mini and was pretty proud of the paint job. Of course the one mini that breaks is my favorite one.



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