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I don't drive. I just sit in there feeling sick. Main reason why I don't have my driving permit.


Have you tried getting it? I'm never sick in the driver's seat, opposed to passenger's seat.


Also, can you get a driver's license in the Netherlands with 13? :D

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Yeah, I have heard it is usually better for those who suffer car sickness to actually drive rather than be a passenger.  I guess it focuses the mind more so you don't notice the motion as much..or that you control the motion to your limits..


Thankfully I don't suffer from motion sickness, which is good considering I have been in two storms out at sea whilst on 'pleasure' cruises!


The first one was coming back from a trip to the Great Barrier reef and a swirl started..we were basically skipping waves, the boat was literally out of the water for split seconds at a time!  Fun!


The second was on our honeymoon in Cyprus and the sea just got very choppy.  We could hardly walk across the boat and chairs and tables were sliding from side to side as you sat in them!  Meant you mingled quite well!

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Lol, from US roads and the size of the country I can see why a lot of your cars are automatic.


A lot of the roads in this country would screw with an automatic car lol.... you'd never get going!


A lot to be said for manual gears and the acceleration/deceleration it gives!


Modern automatic cars have no problem getting the car going on such a road. Even I as a manual enthusiast know that the days of manual gears are counted.

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Yeah, I have heard it is usually better for those who suffer car sickness to actually drive rather than be a passenger.  I guess it focuses the mind more so you don't notice the motion as much..or that you control the motion to your limits..


The latter actually.

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I don't think the days of manual gears are counted, well..not in the UK at least.  Sales of automatics are not high at all, in fact when we were looking for a new car, I think we saw one or two that had automatic.


My experience of automatic cars (in Australia) have been terrible..i guess they have improved but it took almost an age to get from 0-60!


I will stick with gears thank you!

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I owned a Honda Civic with automatic transmission. You can joke about our driving all you like, but my old Civic with a lowered suspension (mine was literally 6" from the ground) could keep pace with any manual transmission any day :D


Also, because I drive like I'm evading the police, because you never know when you may have to one day 

I used to do a lot of Off Road Karting when I was younger, apparently the Mrs tells me that I shouldn't treat our car like that! Personally I don't see the problem I haven't crashed this one!

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I don't think the days of manual gears are counted, well..not in the UK at least.  Sales of automatics are not high at all, in fact when we were looking for a new car, I think we saw one or two that had automatic.


My experience of automatic cars (in Australia) have been terrible..i guess they have improved but it took almost an age to get from 0-60!

I will stick with gears thank you!

I agree, I will not consider a Automatic gearbox. My Grandfather is the same, just bought himself a Ford Focus RS (he is 82)

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I don't think the days of manual gears are counted, well..not in the UK at least.  Sales of automatics are not high at all, in fact when we were looking for a new car, I think we saw one or two that had automatic.


My experience of automatic cars (in Australia) have been terrible..i guess they have improved but it took almost an age to get from 0-60!


I will stick with gears thank you!


I usually do, too. But it's backwards thinking, let me tell you. A good automatic changes gears as good as a racing driver.


Ok, now this has got me thinking..you guys in the US especially seem to have this 4th base marker system..I assume 4th base is full sex...so what are the other 3?


Well, I'm curious about that as well. I don't get that figure of speech in the slightest.

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Also, Until they change the system to completely automatic, It will take a long time for automatics to take over. We have two driving tests available in the UK (I think this is still correct)...you can take your test in an Automatic but you can then only drive Automatics.


If you take your test in a manual you can then drive both.


Sensible if you ask me when you see someone who has only ever driven an Automatic have a go at a manual....it isn't pretty!



So you are then reliant on those passing the manual test to actually buy automatic cars.


Or that only an automatic test is available, but there is nowhere near enough supply for that demand.  Not everyone can afford a new car when passing their test so there would need to be either cheap new cars or a very good supply of second hand.


It may be backwards thinking but for the UK , I don't see the switchover happening anytime soon.

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