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I am planning on getting the remaining masters from my 'list' just simply because then my planning gets easier!  It is only minion boxes from then on, and that is easier to track on  my spreadsheet!


Plus the guy who builds my models for me gives me a good deal if I send crew boxes rather than just stacks of minions...  So bonus on two fronts:  I get all my wanted masters to a playable state quicker, and cheaper.

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Hey Crush, I don't have the patience to build the damn things...


And I don't have the spare time to paint them.


But at least they may get some tabletop love rather than sitting New on Sprue in my garage for months...  ;)


Hey, why do the mundane parts of the hobby if you can avoid it!

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I calculate that with the gencon crews and possibly August pay I will be up to date with all 'released' models and then each month will just be picking up the new releases..leaving other money free for something else.

Is this the reason for cutting back?

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In Bristol now they have about 70 large statues of Shaun the sheep spread around the city and surrounding area, all individaulyy painted or designed by various artists and celebrities.  They did a similar thing for gromit a couple of years ago.


I will be going down in August and doing as much of the Shaun trail as possible.  I think we managed to see about 50 of the 80 Gromits, I would like to see almost all of the Shauns this time (my daughter is older so less restrictions)

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I tend to stay pretty up to date with what is released, just don't get to see them until about two years later!


I have only seen two films at the cinema this year..Shaun the Sheep in February because my wife and daughter went to stay with her parents for a week, so I had some spare time.  And Mad max, simply because I HAD to see it!

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Is it me or has everyone lost their minds with the Gen Con sale shopping?

Like, every crew box from Wave 2 will be available by Black Friday, so why is everyone buying everything all at once?

Why do people order 6 different orders for 6 miss models and call them free? The postage alone is way too much for a Wastrel.. :D

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