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just checked my ebay auctions...so far and with 5 days to go...i am at £50.00...expecting that to go much higher as the week progresses.


All of this is going into the Gencon fund in case Aaron et al decide to slip in some more as yet unannounced crew boxes (Ulix, Mah, Shenlong please!).


Only one not got any bids on yet is Seamus and copycat killer..


Now who's not mr popular lol..

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Kaeris is a lot of fun. I don't think she's particularly strong - she doesn't do anything particularly "unfair" in the way that the more powerful Masters do - but she's very solid, very survivable, and because she can be useful in several different ways it forces you to make engaging choices. I like her style.


As is usually my opinion, I think the metal model is vastly better than the plastics.

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Thanks for the brief summary Kadeton, just makes me want her more now!


I do think Kaeris' metal model is great, if a bit fragile.  However, I have got rid of all my metal figures now and slowly replacing with the plastics..


Just prefer the material as a medium for building.  I would say painting but the others in here will know that would be a mistruth!

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actually, thinking about it..i may have an old metal kaeris still knocking about somewhere...though her wings will be snapped..came like that in the package and never got around to sending it back!  Doh!


I also found an old metal doppelganger too....weird..i don't remember buying that!

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actually, thinking about it..i may have an old metal kaeris still knocking about somewhere...though her wings will be snapped..came like that in the package and never got around to sending it back!  Doh!


I also found an old metal doppelganger too....weird..i don't remember buying that!

When I'm building/mending metal models, I find that using a little bit of putty or Green Stuff works very well to bond the pieces. I also find that super glue bonds well to it. Highly recommend trying that if you haven't already.

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actually, thinking about it..i may have an old metal kaeris still knocking about somewhere...though her wings will be snapped..came like that in the package and never got around to sending it back!  Doh!


I also found an old metal doppelganger too....weird..i don't remember buying that!

Lol I get that a lot, I found a drop pod and a squad of Space marines the other day NOS. I have never played Space Marines of any flavour and have no idea where they appeared from

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A drop pod of Space Marines just appeared?

They ARE good...

I know right, now if they would only call for some reinforcements and give me some idea of what chapter and list they belong to I'll be on a winner

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