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*Lurching to his feet, he wipes his chin. Heaving his chain hook once, twice, three times above his head, lashing out, he cleaves a swath of tattered stuffing and buttons through the skampering shadows.*

*Hammering down with his meat cleaver, he pins a strange peg-leg puppet to the ground. Plucking it from beneath his blade, he pops it in his mouth and chews."

Bit dry, but it'll do.

*Turns to Hatchet* Use a Bucket next time Hatchet ok? *motions to the bucket full of vomit and the dirty mop* We do try to keep it relatively clean in hear. ;)

No promises.

*Indicating his festering bulk and general undeadishness.*

Gotta be honest, keepin' it clean ain't high on my priority list. :D

Edited by Hatchethead
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Thanks, Fell!

*Snagging a burning puppet with a length of chain, he reels it in and stomps it out with his meaty foot. He snatches up the twitching thing and shoves it in his gullet.*

Hey! These things cook up nice, like a mesquite BBQ after dinner mint!

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*Lurching to his feet, he wipes his chin. Heaving his chain hook once, twice, three times above his head, lashing out, he cleaves a swath of tattered stuffing and buttons through the skampering shadows.*

*Hammering down with his meat cleaver, he pins a strange peg-leg puppet to the ground. Plucking it from beneath his blade, he pops it in his mouth and chews."

Bit dry, but it'll do.

No promises.

*Indicating his festering bulk and general undeadishness.*

Gotta be honest, keepin' it clean ain't high on my priority list. :D

*snickers* You should be careful what you eat, they are a lot harder to put down then people give them credit for *winks*

*eyes your stomach as it writhes and bulges here and there, the Puppet refusing to stop* You... may want to spit that up. Or... Hmmm *Transpositions the Puppet out of your stomach and replaces it more Candy*

*looks you up and down* Well if you can't keep clean maybe you need a bib... *scratches chin* I think I've got an idea..... *wanders off, the Puppets walking back into the shadows though strangely no parts or remains or even ash are left behind as if they took all the pieces with them*

Edited by karn987
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*Slams a fist into his midsection*

Settle down in there or you'll pop MY stitches! ... Then Karn'll have a real mess to get worked up over.

*Shudders at the though and turns back, Transpositioning the rest of the Puppets out of your stomach and replacing it with more candy*

There.... better hopefully?

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#walks into thread, Herbie the Peacekeeper clanking along behind, belching smoke#

Hi guys! How are things? Chocobo, I thought i told you to clean Herbie off yesterday after you took him zombie hunting. He was a right state, goo everywhere. Took me half an hour to get some of it off!

Still, he seems fine now, don't you pal?

#taps Herbie on the armour plate. Herbie growls in response#

Hmmm...still a little cranky then.

#grabs coffee and pie from the monoliths and sits down in his Guild chair. sees a lump in the corner#

Ah, Hatchet slept here last night then. Do we need to wake him?

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A box? (arches eyebrow) You're not Pride from FMA: Brotherhood, are you? If you are, we need lots of fire...

nope, Pandora's other box

chcocobo a clock?

i always saw him as a toaster

How many times do i have to tell you bread does not go in there

Yup, i'm with you there.

Maybe you finger wagglers could fashion some sort of attachment?

I though you were a toaster, you do look like one

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