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Currently setting up a 5 player campaign. 


1. Melee Street Sam

2. Skillwired Special Ops

3. Mage / Tracker

4. Matrix Celebrity

5. To be determined


I expect quite a bit of lulz now that I am moving the setting from Manhattan (non-lethal) to Milwaukee (full lethal)

Nice, I have a lot of custom content, and there are all of the lols because of it(mobile suits, energy weapons, tanks)

also every single PC has almost died and they haven't even finished the 3rd mission, should've been a red flag when I let one of them take a 16P AP-6 weapon at the start of the game.

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This is a really common argument against any calls to create wider representation (in any form of media, not just miniature games), but it's fundamentally flawed. Just because one property is a bit better than the others doesn't mean we can't strive to make it better still, or even that it meets "minimum standard".

I mean, if the cultural norm was that everyone had to eat a bowl of cold dogshit for dinner, but you could choose to have a bowl of sand instead, would you be like "OMG sand is the best, it's so much better than dogshit!" or would you be like "Hey, is there a reason we have to eat this stuff? How about some real food?"

I'll never understand why so many people, when they hear someone say "I'd like to see more variety/better representation/characters I can identify with in here," feel like "Hey, it's better than the alternative, so shut up" is a better response than "Fair enough, why not?"


A variety of female body types other than "catwalk model". More characters of colour. Diverse genders and sexualities represented in the fluff. Women wearing actual clothing rather than fetish outfits, and posed to look tough rather than sexy. Representation of non-Western cultures without resorting to stereotype. There are lots more ways that the game could be improved.

Don't get me wrong - Wyrd has made huge strides in these areas and they absolutely should be lauded for that. However, that doesn't mean that they should stop making progress, and I think people who point out where they feel Wyrd is going wrong in that process should be encouraged.

Ironsides alone meets a number of the above criteria (which is why she's my most-wanted Master at the moment) but that's kind of the point - she's alone. I assume you've heard of tokenism. Sybelle is another that comes up - just because one counter-example exists doesn't mean that the rest of the models in the game get a free pass.

When you see people complain, try not to dismiss them out of hand as "whinging" and tell them how good they've got it. Instead, get some perspective and try to understand why they feel that way, then decide whether you still want to shout them down.


It's days like this that I want to give up talking to anyone about anything important at all. Clearly I don't know how to communicate :( I'm going to try anyway- if I am a fool, might as well go for broke and remove all doubt. No sense in half-assing it. Gotta feed the Cynicism Beast.


I'm not saying "stop making progress." I'm saying "good grief, give them some time."


Wyrd has worked hard to make Malifaux more inclusive (without it feeling tacked-on and gratuitous, which is only slightly less insulting than not being inclusive in my mind) and made great strides even in the transition from 1.0 to M2E. We agree on that.


But instead of celebrating the milestones of inclusion and encouraging Wyrd to go further in a positive way, we have people who are still complaining because it's not perfect. Have these people looked at minigaming as an industry? When's the last time you saw a female GW mini that wasn't a special character, a Lord of the Rings character, or a token? Hell, the Sisters of Battle are an entire faction of tokens because making female Space Marines would be bad for some reason. Wyrd and Privateer have made some progress, but instead of saying "yay, progress! Now let's go even further!" it's "well, this isn't 100% inclusive all around right now, so it's crap and the people behind it are crap."


Did you not notice how I approved of the new character design? My girlfriend is not a skinny model type, either, ya know.


I remember when Da Big Baws was around here- he wrote a post thanking Wyrd for having a disabled character because Hoffman was someone he could relate to. How many miniatures games can claim that? Pathfinder and several other RPGs can, but that's not quite the same thing- they don't have to worry about balancing things nearly as much.


TL;DR it's fine to ask for more representation. It's not fine to crap all over someone's efforts to do just that, especially when they are good, just because it's not perfect right now.

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Old one..that new one is actually creepier though...freaks me out.

Officer abso. I believe this a matter we have already discussed before. Now I would recommend you to hold your tongue on such slanderous gossip as to where my loyalties lie. They are obviously deep within the Guild's best interests. You can, as I have said before, take this matter to my commanding officer Dirial.

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not even hordemachine is an excuse to be an ass, no matter how much you quote that worthless page 4


Cannot like twice, so you only got one. I don't like Page 4 (or was it 5?) at all. It's basically a long form version of "lrn 2 play n00b." Games are supposed to be fun. If I wanted that level of ruthlessness I'd be taking Muay Thai as if I wanted to be a pro kickboxer.


So I got my bloodwork back from my pre-op physical and just found out I have Diabetes.


Hooray!  Another thing to worry about!


Ugh, my condolences. Is this the kind you can control with diet and exercise, or will you have to take insulin?


I've been thinking I need a comprehensive psych evaluation, myself.

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