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*Appears behind AB all dressed up in a suite and tie and looking the part of the devil. Levels his eyes at AB and glares at his back, however when AB turns around he appears in his normal attire*

Heard that AB....*Grins*

Night Edonil!

Oh and by the by, careful with the Puppets! They rarely listen to anyone, even me! *Eyes one walking off with his keyboard* Oi! Give that back!

Sorry KArn, I know you love Herbie too.

#pats Herbie on the armour plate#

There there, you can play with him later. I'm sure we can find some ressers for you to chew on in the meantime....

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Yeah he does have a grumpiness about him most days. Though he's never happier when chasing down ressers, it brings a smile to his mechanical face.

Surprisingly he has a soft spot for our resident Nephilim, KArn. Many a time I have come back in to see him holding KArn by the ball and chain, and gently swinging him from side to side.

Its a picture of true enjoyment.

However, KArn may disagree. I have had to supply him with seasickness tablets just in case it happens again.

All I need is a plate of eyes and I'm happy

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More Wine!

You've already had enough

(arches eyebrow and looks around warily) Puppets? That could become problematic...

we are going to take over the world

Steampunk Arachnid. I guess its because my original avatar was an egg, so Eric found the nearest thing to an egg shape he could!

Don't worry though, i had Hoffman take a look at it, so its all Guild friendly now...with a boosted dampening field to stop all the pesky finger waggling within a ten feet radius!

And best leave Herbie to himself, he gets a little cranky in the mornings...at least until hes mushed some ressers!

Same here, exapt Pandora kitted me out, neverborn style

Sorry KArn, I know you love Herbie too.

#pats Herbie on the armour plate#

There there, you can play with him later. I'm sure we can find some ressers for you to chew on in the meantime....

All I need is a plate of eyes and I'm happy

I think it's we went and killed some Zombies

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I think it's time we went and killed some Zombies

Ok Chocobo, Feel free to take Herbie with you, but try not to let him get too far out of sight...he's a pain to get back once the bloodlust takes over!

Oh, and please clean him down before you bring him back, I don't want entrails and brains trodden into the carpet...

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Ok Chocobo, Feel free to take Herbie with you, but try not to let him get too far out of sight...he's a pain to get back once the bloodlust takes over!

Oh, and please clean him down before you bring him back, I don't want entrails and brains trodden into the carpet...

I think we need a Mechawash intalled in here..... Hmmmmm I'll look into it.... *Starts to draw up plans*

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I think we need a Mechawash intalled in here..... Hmmmmm I'll look into it.... *Starts to draw up plans*

Not discounting your prowess at all, but you are a nephilim! Maybe you should get Lobo and Yazza on board too? This seems to be finger waggler terrority...

Don't want any unfortunate incidents to happen do we? ;)

#looks at KArn who is busy drawing up plans#

And do we really need the drinks holder?

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But I'm not dead yet...

We can fix that if you really want :D

I know the Puppets are always looking for more "playmates"

Not discounting your prowess at all, but you are a nephilim! Maybe you should get Lobo and Yazza on board too? This seems to be finger waggler terrority...

Don't want any unfortunate incidents to happen do we?

#looks at KArn who is busy drawing up plans#

And do we really need the drinks holder?

Pah! Have faith in me! I may be a Nephilim but I know waaaayyy to much about Mecha

*grins and jumps up, suddenly appearing in a flawless black suit. Lifts up his arm, a watch on it and shouts into it*


*The ground rumbles and cracks before spliting appart as a massive black mecha rises out of it*


Big O is a type of Mecha known as a Megadeus. They are a fair bit larger then most Anime Mecha and clumsier in some respects, they are described as more macho then practicle and lack the distinct ninja like feel of other Mechas. But what they lack in agility, they make up for in spades being some of the physically stronger Mecha's. :D

Edited by karn987
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*The ground rumbles and cracks before spliting appart as a massive black mecha rises out of it*


Show off! ;)

@Abs: Dwug is a finger wiggler in the WORST way *shakes head* Did you see my new sword?

I did, and its very nice. Just watch where you poke it, I may have a metal coating but I still hurt!


poof Foerender appears !

Forgot your dogs...

#spies one of Foe's dogs relieving itself against Hayzels throne.#

Hmmm...there'll be trouble later.

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@sKeTCH: Nah, she knows Foe has dogs ;)

@Abs: see the soulstone hilt? and if we were playing MTG: it has infect and death touch ;)

Yes, the hilt is very swish...You won't want to get that blade dirty either!

Is it as a result of a promotion or something?

#snaffles a cookie from the plate and hides to munch it#

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