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Wouldn't change it for the world!

Lunchtime soon.what to have?

And now I am thinking can i spend $100 on wyrd stuff at Gencon time, to get the free lady gunslinger? I reckon i possibly could!

Only thing bothering me is getting stung by the possible customs charges!

Hopefully you'll have something edible and delcioius. Otherwise, you may as well eat the carpeting bellow your feet. *nods*

You know you want to AB! See? Worth saving all your purchases for that time! Your going to want the Dead Justice box set at least XD

Hmmm how much are the Customs Charges? I rarely order from over the pond, so worst I get is coming from Canada which isn't bad at all.... just dont ship via Canadian post to the states, takes forever. Almost 4 weeks for the last package to arrive.

@Sozoa: Forgot to say this earlier man, but that little RP had me cracking up. Great stuff man!

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Hopefully you'll have something edible and delcioius. Otherwise, you may as well eat the carpeting bellow your feet. *nods*

You know you want to AB! See? Worth saving all your purchases for that time! Your going to want the Dead Justice box set at least XD

Hmmm how much are the Customs Charges? I rarely order from over the pond, so worst I get is coming from Canada which isn't bad at all.... just dont ship via Canadian post to the states, takes forever. Almost 4 weeks for the last package to arrive.

I don't know exactly how much they would be, and apparently parcels are selected pretty much at random, but it could be about another 1/4 or 1/3 of the value on top again to get your parcel.

It stems from the fact that Wyrd can't designate the parcel a gift...I've heard that these don't attract these extra charges.

Yep, considering the new book, the dead justice set and see what avatars pop up. Might hold back on Puppet Wars for a bit to give my wallet time to recover, though it will probably be the next month!

Just ordered about £80 worth of wyrd stuff from Maelstrom today, bits and pieces etc. They had a voucher offer on so took advantage of it!

Will have to research this customs malarkey in time for gencon....

When is gencon again?

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I don't know exactly how much they would be, and apparently parcels are selected pretty much at random, but it could be about another 1/4 or 1/3 of the value on top again to get your parcel.

It stems from the fact that Wyrd can't designate the parcel a gift...I've heard that these don't attract these extra charges.

Yep, considering the new book, the dead justice set and see what avatars pop up. Might hold back on Puppet Wars for a bit to give my wallet time to recover, though it will probably be the next month!

Just ordered about £80 worth of wyrd stuff from Maelstrom today, bits and pieces etc. They had a voucher offer on so took advantage of it!

Will have to research this customs malarkey in time for gencon....

When is gencon again?

August 4th - 7th.

Yikes thats rough! So its not even every package, just some at random get this charge? What the heck is up with that? Why isn't it consistent but less?

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August 4th - 7th.

Yikes thats rough! So its not even every package, just some at random get this charge? What the heck is up with that? Why isn't it consistent but less?

Because that makes sense, duh.

exactly. Once you have lived in the UK, you realise nothing in this country makes sense!

@KArn: i think i saw you were interested in a McMourning crew? Don't tell anyone, but i got that crew and a few others as my resser crew. The models are sweet!

Go for it, Your secret will be safe, as long as mine is!


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Actually, I live in the US, never been to the UK...but I work in manufacturing. You want to see some of the dumbest, illogical decisions, that's the place to be. (rolls eyes) I loved the Dilbert comics in High School, got into the workplace, and discovered that that's the reality of those places...

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exactly. Once you have lived in the UK, you realise nothing in this country makes sense!

@KArn: i think i saw you were interested in a McMourning crew? Don't tell anyone, but i got that crew and a few others as my resser crew. The models are sweet!

Go for it, Your secret will be safe, as long as mine is!


Heh, well the same could be same about the US for somethings *shakes his head and groans* Come of it serioiusly confuses me how it ever got to be like this.

Yeah I picked McMourning for a few reasons. One was I liked his model and well Miss Pack *nods*. Secondly, I didn't want to do a minion spammer which Nico and Kirai (in part) are and Seamus is just not the guy for me. So McMourning it is! Got a few ideas inmind for him, but going to avoid the dog spam and what not. Going to have some fun with Guild Autopsies and Nurses I think.

Really I should get like little imp figures and put them on all the idea, make them look controlled by Nephilim. Hmmm... maybe remove McMourning's head and put a little imp there... try to build like a little cockpit for it...

@Edonil: Ha Dilbert! Yeah I see that stuff come true on a daily basis XD Kinda scary some times, luckily though my boss is about 7 kinds of awesome so it's not nearly as bad as the comics.

Edited by karn987
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Actually, I live in the US, never been to the UK...but I work in manufacturing. You want to see some of the dumbest, illogical decisions, that's the place to be. (rolls eyes) I loved the Dilbert comics in High School, got into the workplace, and discovered that that's the reality of those places...

Dilbert..yeah, i liked those too. They really do reflect the working environment.

So, I see you are a new recruit to the madness that is this thread! Hi from me, hope we are all making you comfortable.

#points at monolith dispensers to one side#

one is coffee, one is tea, one is Dr. Pepper and strangely one seems to be whatever pie you fancy!. Help yourself, it all goes on KArn's tab anyway..... ;)

So what crews do you run?

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Yeah I picked McMourning for a few reasons. One was I liked his model and well Miss Pack *nods*. Secondly, I didn't want to do a minion spammer which Nico and Kirai (in part) are and Seamus is just not the guy for me. So McMourning it is! Got a few ideas inmind for him, but going to avoid the dog spam and what not. Going to have some fun with Guild Autopsies and Nurses I think.

Really I should get like little imp figures and put them on all the idea, make them look controlled by Nephilim. Hmmm... maybe remove McMourning's head and put a little imp there... try to build like a little cockpit for it...

Hmmm.... I worry at what goes on in your head! You can step back from the Nephilim for a while you know...They won't mind (well, possibly Nekima might, but I'll keep her sweet!)

And Miss pack..a very nice model. I picked up the puppies and crooked men just because of the models. I have recently purchased some belles and autopsies (they are fantastic sculpts) and put an order in for Bete Noire. With the nurses and Flesh constructs and cute little sebastian, i reckon that should give me plenty of options.....once I get around to playing again!!

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I own three right now, with a fourth on the way. I was the first one to buy into the game locally about...six weeks ago now, so I got Lady Justice and Rasputina to run demos with. Working on finishing the starters up for both of them to apply for Henchman this week. I've also got Colette, got to try her out for the first time Saturday and had a lot of fun, and picked up the Kirai starter as a painting project for the Tale of... thread.

And actually, this really is very comfortable, lol. Probably says more about me than you guys though...

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I own three right now, with a fourth on the way. I was the first one to buy into the game locally about...six weeks ago now, so I got Lady Justice and Rasputina to run demos with. Working on finishing the starters up for both of them to apply for Henchman this week. I've also got Colette, got to try her out for the first time Saturday and had a lot of fun, and picked up the Kirai starter as a painting project for the Tale of... thread.

And actually, this really is very comfortable, lol. Probably says more about me than you guys though...

Cool, a nice mix of factions (though Lobo and Yazza will be happy to see the Arcanist leanings).

I have 12 masters at the moment but no time to play (the arrival of my offspring two weeks ago has put paid to that) so hopefully that will change in a month or two.

I started with Guild and now own at least one crew from every faction. Just now also got to find the time to build and paint most of them!

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Yeah, I really like the Arcanists, but I'm waiting for Kaeris...not a Marcus fan, and we have a Ramos player already. Honestly, I've been branching out so much because I'm getting so much painting done. I'm finishing up the Coryphee right now, and I've got Snow Storm, an Acolyte and two sets of cats and I've got everything but Kirai painted...I really love these models, they're really fun to paint!

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And actually, this really is very comfortable, lol. Probably says more about me than you guys though...

We try ;) All about keeping a good atmosphere in here.

As for Masters, I don't have a ton. I have:

  • Pandora
  • Lilith
  • Dreamer
  • Zoraida
  • Leveticus
  • Hoffman
  • Rasputina

Then I also have Collodi and will be getting Kaeris when she comes out and McMourning as my Resser. I actually only picked up Rasputina to have a master that I liked to use with Kaeris XD

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If we are showing and telling, then these are the models, crews etc I have!

Lady Justice

Sonnia Criid

Perdita Ortega

C Hoffman

Dr McMourning

Colette DuBois




The Dreamer/LCB

Hamelin The Plagued

The Viktorias

Plus I also have the Lucius and Freikorps boxes. I have all the Guild figures and a lot of the other minions etc that are recommended for the above masters. I think its almost 200 figures now!

Damn, i hate the fact Wyrd makes such gorgeous models!

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Whats up everyone !

Abs welcome back ! changing diapers aint so bad . my son is allergic to every wet wipe out there so we have to wet dry paper towels with water . than give a mini bath every time he drops a deuce .

@skype - was on from 8pm til about 9pm no one popped on , so watched a mediocre true blood .

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Whats up everyone !

Abs welcome back ! changing diapers aint so bad . my son is allergic to every wet wipe out there so we have to wet dry paper towels with water . than give a mini bath every time he drops a deuce .

@skype - was on from 8pm til about 9pm no one popped on , so watched a mediocre true blood .

Ahhh. I completely blanked on the time was working/busy up untill about 9pm and didnt make it on till about 9:30pm, damn.

Hmmm want to try again for another time Foe?

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Whats up everyone !

Abs welcome back ! changing diapers aint so bad . my son is allergic to every wet wipe out there so we have to wet dry paper towels with water . than give a mini bath every time he drops a deuce .

@skype - was on from 8pm til about 9pm no one popped on , so watched a mediocre true blood .

oww, that sort of sucks about the wipe thing. The only problem Lily has with them is the fact they are so cold lol! I have to heat them up in my hands for a bit or she screams the house down....

And to be honest, i thought most of true blood season 3 was mediocre..for some reason it didn't have the sparkle of the first two seasons for me..

But then I read the books after watching the first 2 seasons so maybe that ruined it for me..the books are much better, and not too girly!

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*wanders in bleary eyed, looks at the clock, curses, wanders out beckoning to the coffee monolith, which follows her*

Hello Fell, you will bring that back won't you? This new dad needs a constant supply of caffeine to get through the day.

So how are you M'lady?

You don't seem to be around these parts much lately.

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Hello Fell, you will bring that back won't you? This new dad needs a constant supply of caffeine to get through the day.

So how are you M'lady?

You don't seem to be around these parts much lately.

I'm not around as much... busy... tired... *shakes head, motions for monolith to return to it's spot* Gotta paint today :)

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You can stay. No tank chasing. I swears!

Maybe just a little bit of tank chasing? I really need the exercise and I can't think of anything else that'll get me off the couch, to be honest.

@Sozoa: Forgot to say this earlier man, but that little RP had me cracking up. Great stuff man!

Cheers! I fall into RP mode at the drop of a hat. Stiff breeze is all it takes, so don't tempt me!


As for Masters, I don't have a ton. I have:

In an uncharacteristic display of self-control and generosity, I recently trimmed my collection.

I have every Rezzer model released to date w/ the Dead Rider and Night Terrors on order at my local FLGS, plus several mercs who "got the right stuff". I had a Dreamer and a Leveticus box, but decided to sell both to wannabe players for cheap. I still have a TON of painting to do ... and now with alternate sculpts, Avatars, the Lady J box, Miss Demeanor ... I need to stay focused! Eyes on the prize!

Plus, when I announce my faction as Resurrectionist and reveal the contents of my carrying case, people tend to turn a little green in the gills. I thrive on the fear instilled by my suitcase full of undead. Sweet cold sweat like wine in my goblet, yummy! :D

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