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I wonder how many of those will be figures!

I could tell you, but then I'm sorry sir... I would have to take your eye away. :sadpuppet2

But you won't be disappointed with what Puppet Wars has in store for you XD

Has everyone checked out my new rules?

Yup! Loved them. You've got a great sense of humor for this stuff Chocobo :)

BTW anyone interested in getting in on the modelling, painting contest it's been extended until the 14th Australian Eastern Time!

Click the link in my sig and take part!

Fantastic! Maybe I can find some time this weekend to do up a few, I keep meaning to get some done honestly and what a perfect excuse to get around to them now. *strokes beard in thought*

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I could tell you, but then I'm sorry sir... I would have to take your eye away. :sadpuppet2

But you won't be disappointed with what Puppet Wars has in store for you XD

I should look since I was in on that one...

BTW I'm hoping to have some before others since I won 2 of the twitter weekly votes

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I should look since I was in on that one...

BTW I'm hoping to have some before others since I won 2 of the twitter weekly votes

Congrats then for you man! I'm sure Eric will take care of it :D Let us know what you won man when you can say something on it.

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#a puff of smoke spears , when it clears Foe is standing there with 2 guild hounds #

whats up everyone .

Heya Foe.

Working my tail off to be perfectly honest but with random bits of free time thrown in there heh. But mostly, busy busy. Hows you?

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AB! Good to see ya man!

Great to hear mom and baby are doing well! Hope things keep on the up and up! So has she come home yet? Or is that next week?

How goes all the fatherly duties? Getting into the swing of things yet man? Sure your loving every minute of it :D

Take your time coming back man, we can keep fresh till your back in full ;) Though tis good to hear from ya man.

@Pic: Awwwww cute :D

So hows the circling of the relatives been? Sure your probably get a wee bit sick of a few of them by now XD

Also.... Im sorry but I broke Lady J while you were away :ajustice :sadpuppet2

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AB! Good to see ya man!

Great to hear mom and baby are doing well! Hope things keep on the up and up! So has she come home yet? Or is that next week?

How goes all the fatherly duties? Getting into the swing of things yet man? Sure your loving every minute of it :D

Take your time coming back man, we can keep fresh till your back in full ;) Though tis good to hear from ya man.

@Pic: Awwwww cute :D

So hows the circling of the relatives been? Sure your probably get a wee bit sick of a few of them by now XD

Also.... Im sorry but I broke Lady J while you were away :ajustice :sadpuppet2

#not impressed about Lady J. Gets sewing kit...#

They came home on saturday night but she still wasn't feeding properly so we have been back and to from the hospital all week for tests and monitoring. Turned a corner on wednesday and now she won't stop eating!!

The sleepless nights are a nightmare (yes, even though expected, nothing prepares you). But getting an expert at cleaning poo from virtually any surface including a potted plant...don't ask!

Will be logging off anytime now and may not be back on until monday.

I keep the relatives at bay with Herbie, my friendly Peacekeeper, sat outside.

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#not impressed about Lady J. Gets sewing kit...#

They came home on saturday night but she still wasn't feeding properly so we have been back and to from the hospital all week for tests and monitoring. Turned a corner on wednesday and now she won't stop eating!!

The sleepless nights are a nightmare (yes, even though expected, nothing prepares you). But getting an expert at cleaning poo from virtually any surface including a potted plant...don't ask!

Will be logging off anytime now and may not be back on until monday.

I keep the relatives at bay with Herbie, my friendly Peacekeeper, sat outside.

Well I'm really glad to hear it turned a corner! :D Better to have her eating like a machine right now then not, congrats then man on a healthy baby!

*thinks to hard about the poo* Just..... ewww... I want to know but yet I dont haha. Well its part of the job man, I'm sure you will come to love it in time XD

Heh yeah get the sleep while you can, hopefully she sleep well enough for you two when she actually sleeps.

Ahhh good old Herbie, trusty Peacekeeper aint he? Glad to hear your not going barking mad with them, heard horror stories about relatives staying more then a bit to long.

Any way, good to hear from you man! Take care then and hopefully enjoy your weekend!

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@abs - very very cute ! Yeah I got used to the no sleep thing with my sons , probably why I am now a night owl . You wont believe how much painting I do at the wee hours of night .

everyone else whats poppin , malifaux night for me and I know some of you as well .

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