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Now now Fell. *tisks*

You would have been in big trouble if that was the real Chocobo.

*looks over his Tots* Shouldn't be so mean to them, he started it after all. You should appologize to the vicious plant monster Foe. *Motions to the now truly massive plant monster that looks sad*

I'm sort of like Levi, you can never really kill me ;)

Awhh! Poor Planty! *feeds it blood from the terror tots* there you go.

Foe come and sit down i have lots of sweets for you my dear. :) Chocobo come and get your belly scratched. and master... anything i can do for you??? *curtseys*

*sets fire to Sketch again*

Sure thing Princess

*snorts, starts running blade of peacebringer over a sharpening stone* Damn plant ATE Foe... it was self defense. And then you sent Tots after him? *tsks*

:ajustice has never looked better

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Meh... too busy to have time off... working and painting mostly... trying to do more writing...

How are you Hayzel...?

Ooh! what you writing? will you let me see? i love reading :)

Im crappy tbh hun. but only to be expected :) Id offer you some of my throne, but your previous comments suggest that you dont like it :(

Ive been painting some of my collodi box set :) i do love those models!

What are you painting?

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who found my riders?

They've been missing for ages?

haha! I didn't even think of that XD Nice Chocobo.

Gotta love the Puppet invassion ;) Soon we shall lay claim to even more of the boards! Muhahahahaha!

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