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# plant explodes Foe standing in the middle brushing off bits of plant gunk , sucking on a lolly pop # Did you know that thing grew sweets ?

Foe you did know that plant was a hydra, those things are impossible to kill see

*Points at the plant as regrows bigger and with twice the number of heads*

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*walks into the thread, fanning smoke away from her nose* did somebody set sKeTCH on fire again? You know he's flame resistant, right? *looks at congealed plant goop, and a green, runny Foe; raises an eyebrow as plant gunk falls on his lollipop* I'm not sure you should *stops as he licks it up, shrugs, walks to favorite spot, sits down to watch* A Chair wouldn't go amiss here, Lobo...

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*walks into the thread, fanning smoke away from her nose* did somebody set sKeTCH on fire again? You know he's flame resistant, right? *looks at congealed plant goop, and a green, runny Foe; raises an eyebrow as plant gunk falls on his lollipop* I'm not sure you should *stops as he licks it up, shrugs, walks to favorite spot, sits down to watch* A Chair wouldn't go amiss here, Lobo...

The glop has regown back in to the flower I gave Hayzel

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*fades into view behind Hayzel and puts a hand on her shoulder*

Foe you should be careful of what you blow up so recklessly. Especially when it belongs to the Princess after all.

*Raises hand and tisks at Foe*

If you want candy you can always ask for it man ;)

*Snaps fingers and a wave of Terror tots crashes into Foe and swallows him into their midst* :powerfulpuppet

Edited by karn987
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Now now Fell. *tisks*

You would have been in big trouble if that was the real Chocobo.

*looks over his Tots* Shouldn't be so mean to them, he started it after all. You should appologize to the vicious plant monster Foe. *Motions to the now truly massive plant monster that looks sad*

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Now now Fell. *tisks*

You would have been in big trouble if that was the real Chocobo.

*looks over his Tots* Shouldn't be so mean to them, he started it after all. You should appologize to the vicious plant monster Foe. *Motions to the now truly massive plant monster that looks sad*

Awhh! Poor Planty! *feeds it blood from the terror tots* there you go.

Foe come and sit down i have lots of sweets for you my dear. :) Chocobo come and get your belly scratched. and master... anything i can do for you??? *curtseys*

*sets fire to Sketch again*

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