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Wardens and Hounds can't make it fast enough. Also Neverborn is lacking a lot of models for my liking. I just started Lilith and can't find Tuco, Lilitu, Gupps and Spawn Mother for a reasonable price or most cases at all. If you happen to know any who has some of these and is ready to let them go for something reasonable let me know? 

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Wardens and Hounds can't make it fast enough. Also Neverborn is lacking a lot of models for my liking. I just started Lilith and can't find Tuco, Lilitu, Gupps and Spawn Mother for a reasonable price or most cases at all. If you happen to know any who has some of these and is ready to let them go for something reasonable let me know? 


Will do, but as our meta has started in the plastic age, I wouldn't hold my breath.


The models that are missing the most from my perspective:


Guild: Hounds and Wardens

Resser: Doxy and Shikome

Arcanists: Performer

Neverborn: Stitched and Insidious Madness

Gremlins: Trixie

Outcast: Rats (sadly), A&D

Ten Inches: Komainu, Tengu

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Guild: Hounds and Wardens

Resser: Doxy and Shikome

Arcanists: Performer

Neverborn: Stitched and Insidious Madness

Gremlins: Trixie

Outcast: Rats (sadly), A&D

Ten Inches: Komainu, Tengu


I actually agree to majority of this list, those are pretty much the staple models of the faction that shouldn't be missing really. The Spawn Mother Gupps / Nephilims aren't that staple, just very good. 

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Will do, but as our meta has started in the plastic age, I wouldn't hold my breath.


The models that are missing the most from my perspective:


Guild: Hounds and Wardens

Resser: Doxy and Shikome

Arcanists: Performer

Neverborn: Stitched and Insidious Madness

Gremlins: Trixie

Outcast: Rats (sadly), A&D

Ten Inches: Komainu, Tengu


Rats? (Well, I can't wait for rats, but a staple?)

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That needs the Obedient Wretch though. 


Yeah, but even two hired rats brings the activation count up a lot. I really don't miss rats at the moment, but I guess they will shake things up once released. PD, what would you say instead? More Trappers? Sue?

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I just wanted to mention that I have never had difficulty keeping my metal shikome upright.  I don't think they have once fallen over... I never realized anyone had trouble with them!

But they are a bitch to pack around.

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I have wanted him ever since 1e... *sadface*


I just want to marry him to Dita with Abuela. He belongs in the Family, I say. And then they will kill Nephilim happily ever after.


/Guild romance

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In our area we always marry nino with samael hopkins.  Because... they were meant to be.


But, for a proper shotgun wedding, doesn't one of the parties have to be pregnant? I must admit, I'm not sure I get all the nuances of this distinctly American idiom.

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I think that's how it works, but it's an outdated cultural reference. These days you just slap them with a paternity suit and get child support without the hassle of actually marrying the guy.


Thought so.

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Wha? The forum ate my post! That never happened before!


So I've got two Zoraida lists to test today. The second one involves Graves and some Illuminated.


Mr Tannen is quite good with Zoraida. She can make him Chatty without activating.

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