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@AB: You need to get Lily some Terror Tot footie Pajamas *nods* With little wings on the back and a hood that pulls up with horns.

Stil though, congrats again man! Glad to hear your wife and baby are getting better and all is well.

heh, that sounds cool...wonder how good my sewing skills are!

@Abs: what about some Guild love, Mr. Guildster ;) I'm sure she'd look great as a Witchling Stalker ;)

Congrats again! Glad to hear they are improving! Hopefully they'll be home soon enough!

Oh she will be dying her hair red, wearing blindfolds and leather corsets soon enough lol...well, at least we should wait until her teenage years!

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heh, that sounds cool...wonder how good my sewing skills are!

Oh she will be dying her hair red, wearing blindfolds and leather corsets soon enough lol...well, at least we should wait until her teenage years!


Gonna be some daughter Ab *cackles and shakes head* she keep along that path and she will make some guy very very happy ;D

But yeah... probably should wait a while for it ;)

For now start her out slow *nods* Then for her sweet 16 give her a Great Sword and it's all up hill from there XD

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HAHAHAHAHAHA :D yeah... until she's 16... at LEAST :D


Gonna be some daughter Ab *cackles and shakes head* she keep along that path and she will make some guy very very happy ;D

But yeah... probably should wait a while for it ;)

For now start her out slow *nods* Then for her sweet 16 give her a Great Sword and it's all up hill from there XD

Yup, wait until she's sixteen definitely!

Anyway off for now...i see loads of new puppets so i have made a quick list of those i've found and will update the thread tonight!

take care peeps!

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Gonna be some daughter Ab *cackles and shakes head* she keep along that path and she will make some guy very very happy ;D

But yeah... probably should wait a while for it ;)

For now start her out slow *nods* Then for her sweet 16 give her a Great Sword and it's all up hill from there XD

Wait or time machine

Then we find out that Lilly was fell all along and a Time Lord, wait i've watching too much doctor who

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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At work eating Tomato and Mozzarella Pringles.... Not as nice as they sound... after a while they make your mouth feel like you've been gargling with sand! :(

hmmm, not the best advert for them! I prefer the original, but then i love plain crisps (or chips? in the US). great with a cheese sandwich....

hungry now and i should be in bed darnitt!

see you guys tomorrow if not the next five minutes...off to update the puppet avatar thread.

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hmmm, not the best advert for them! I prefer the original, but then i love plain crisps (or chips? in the US). great with a cheese sandwich....

hungry now and i should be in bed darnitt!

see you guys tomorrow if not the next five minutes...off to update the puppet avatar thread.

Yeah, the original ones are the best.. they go great with some plain chocolate :D I just thought I would try a new flavor... won't be trying these again!

Currently on my lunch break watching Broken Arrow on TV... good times.

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Yeh i've been good, bored, overacting, not much. Might do some painting later. How are you doing?

*shrugs* Could be a lot better, could be a lot worse. Something towards the good side of bad I would say? But eh, it passes. Quarter Ended last night, things are starting to spin down and I no longer have to read and follow mega email chains praying none of my interfaces were effected by whatever just happened.

*yawns* Finally getting some sleep though doesn't feel like nearly enough. Otherwise letting Pandora radio do it's thing and cranking through the work load. Mmmm Pandora... <3

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flying visit! just letting everyone know i'm still here and keeping an eye on things...

#twirls guild issue firearm in hand#

KArn, stop fixating on Pandora!

back later!

*waves to the flying Egg*

Morning (or afternoon for you?) Ab!

And you need to stop fixating Lady J and Lilitu

I didn't that was possible for anyone to do >.>

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Morning Wyrdlings!

Yay, it's Friday! And I have a 3-day weekend coming up. :)

Hopefully get a bit more painting done tonight, and maybe over the weekend. I'm setting a goal for myself to finish up my Levi crew, but that would include 4 SPAs, and the Desolation Engine. Maybe also another Canine Remains and a Punk Zombie or two. Don't HAVE to have the other ones though. I did finish my Freikorps Trapper though, and have the other Friekorps about 90% done. So I may just work on finishing them off.

Dead Rider and Mobile Toolkit arrive next week, which are the last things I'll need to paint before GenCon. Still a lot on my plate...ugh.

Oooh, hey, I tried Ashes and Dust for the first time last night. Went pretty well. Played a 40SS game against a Nicodem crew. Lost an SPA on Round 1 thanks to Vulture/Decay tricks, but Levi was able to summon it right back. Then my Deso engine and A&D proceeded to turn both Vultures into SPAs. :) I probably played too agressive with the A&D though, I think. It did keep his crew tied up long enough for me to get the Treasure Counter and run back to my side (Shared Treasure Hunt ;) ), so was probably worth it in that sense. But I lost the Deso engine, and then A&D followed shortly after that (didn't help that it got Slowed and then Paralyzed, lol). So when it split, the Ashen Core was still smack dab in the middle of all his pieces, so it ended up dying before it could escape to rejoin the Dust Storm (Oh, it got Paralyzed again too, which...again...didn't help). Still won the game 8-4 though, so didn't matter too much. I liked the model, but definitely need to read up on it a bit and see what kind of better tactics I can form. Seems like it needs to be more of a model that does like surgical strikes against models out by themselves, rather than running head long into the enemy horde. Still though, insta-trigger to summon SPAs instead of dropping Corpse Counters did NOT make Nicodem happy, LOL. Even still, he ended up with a total of 4 or 5 Flesh Constructs throughout the game. Ouch.

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Morning Wyrdlings!

Yay, it's Friday! And I have a 3-day weekend coming up. :)

Hopefully get a bit more painting done tonight, and maybe over the weekend. I'm setting a goal for myself to finish up my Levi crew, but that would include 4 SPAs, and the Desolation Engine. Maybe also another Canine Remains and a Punk Zombie or two. Don't HAVE to have the other ones though. I did finish my Freikorps Trapper though, and have the other Friekorps about 90% done. So I may just work on finishing them off.

Dead Rider and Mobile Toolkit arrive next week, which are the last things I'll need to paint before GenCon. Still a lot on my plate...ugh.

Oooh, hey, I tried Ashes and Dust for the first time last night. Went pretty well. Played a 40SS game against a Nicodem crew. Lost an SPA on Round 1 thanks to Vulture/Decay tricks, but Levi was able to summon it right back. Then my Deso engine and A&D proceeded to turn both Vultures into SPAs. :) I probably played too agressive with the A&D though, I think. It did keep his crew tied up long enough for me to get the Treasure Counter and run back to my side (Shared Treasure Hunt ;) ), so was probably worth it in that sense. But I lost the Deso engine, and then A&D followed shortly after that (didn't help that it got Slowed and then Paralyzed, lol). So when it split, the Ashen Core was still smack dab in the middle of all his pieces, so it ended up dying before it could escape to rejoin the Dust Storm (Oh, it got Paralyzed again too, which...again...didn't help). Still won the game 8-4 though, so didn't matter too much. I liked the model, but definitely need to read up on it a bit and see what kind of better tactics I can form. Seems like it needs to be more of a model that does like surgical strikes against models out by themselves, rather than running head long into the enemy horde. Still though, insta-trigger to summon SPAs instead of dropping Corpse Counters did NOT make Nicodem happy, LOL. Even still, he ended up with a total of 4 or 5 Flesh Constructs throughout the game. Ouch.

A&D is one of my favorite models and probably one of the harder to learn models out of book 2. Its very powerful, but it also has a lot of flaws (one being its high price XD). But still, it can get a fantastic amount of use. It really shines when you can get multiple Desolation Engines up at once, no easy task by far but in some games I've had 2 up at once and nearly a 3rd with A&D... that gets very destructive XD

But glad you won and enjoyed it! A tactica article for it is on my plate along with the rest of Levy's so I'll let you know when I finish it. But I've been using it off and on since the book release, it is a ton of fun XD.

Any way, had Malifaux to last night. Zoraida + Collodi vs Hoffman. Barely pulled through in the end thank's to Zoraida's proper manners. Managed to tie up Hoffman, a Hunter and his totem for the last 2 turns of the game with that while Bad Juju ran as fast as he could to finish them off. Sadly he was to late, but he got Hoffman in the end. Collodi is a lot of fun as always and drives your opponents mad. Seriously, every turn I made a full set of attacks with her dolls I'd burn 80 - 120% of my deck and a lot of my opponents do XD. So many Cb 4 Paired attacks.... 1 Marionette can make at max 5 attacks with her tricks... its awesome XD. If he didn't have the high armor it would have ripped him to shreds. But I had Slaughter, Kill Portege and Break through, so wasn't hard to do considering every model in my crew except Bad Juju could change table sides in a single activation.

@Chocobo: YUP! Say hello to Avatar Raspy

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