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I was thinking of maybe taking a wild card and start with Lucius if we lose the stand off. It's looking grim since no one my side is reporting games and we lacked games last month. :(


I will count it soon, and then we'll see how grim it looks.


Lucius is pretty fun, though. Not that sure about Dashel. You might want to play Judge and add Lucius in later, so that you have a good beater.

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I really like Judge a lot. As a character and on the table. He doesn't do anything super well I reckon but he is just solid. One of my favourite henches in the game. I love the whole idea of the Justice crew. It hurts me so much that Justice just doesn't click with me game wise. In a demo game / beginner game I love to play Justice starter but if I try to take that with anyone else in our meta.. Well it's just utterly wrecked immediately.

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My first and most favourite in fluff and as a character is Seamus. Then McMourning. Then Justice. Those are my favourite fluff characters. Though I haven't read all of the fluff. I've read til book 3 or 4? I have the m2e book and haven't read it. :D

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I prefer long hair myself.  Currently trying to get back to my former length, after having a crazy moment and cutting it all off and dying part of it blue.  It used to be long enough that it would get caught in doors behind me and other people would sit on it.  hehe.


After I cut it off, I missed the attention and felt like I had lost my identity.  Before that I would have at least four people a day exclaiming over my hair length and saying they were jealous.  I remember this one lady started digging around near my scalp once to see if it was fake.  That was a bit... awkward.




And as for today, it is Malifaux then D&D.

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My first and most favourite in fluff and as a character is Seamus. Then McMourning. Then Justice. Those are my favourite fluff characters. Though I haven't read all of the fluff. I've read til book 3 or 4? I have the m2e book and haven't read it. :D


Yeah, pretty much my list as well. To be fair, those 3 get a lot of stories.


I like Justice's style on the table, too, but I tend to play her more second row than most people.

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The Kirai / Molly story in Crossroads was awesome... the whole time I'm imagining them skipping through Malifaux hand-in-hand


I don't know. I liked to read it, but I'm not sure I like the direction of their characters. Seamus and McM fill the role of chipper, gleeful villains in Ressers enough. I liked thoughtful, romantic Molly and vengeful, raging Kirai better.

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Yeah, pretty much my list as well. To be fair, those 3 get a lot of stories.

I like Justice's style on the table, too, but I tend to play her more second row than most people.

How you do you actually play her? And do you feel she can go toe to toe on serious games?

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It's part of their growing as characters. Probably. Either that or I am into murderous dead chicks... which I am okay with.


Growth can go into different directions. I thought they grew just to be more similar to thze other Ressers.


How you do you actually play her? And do you feel she can go toe to toe on serious games?


During the first two to three turns, I hunt Scheme runners and stragglers. She can go toe-to-toe with most things in the game, just not too much at once. I throw her into the enemy turn 4, when he can't take her as well anymore.


I'm not sure what you understand to be a serious game. I don't play tournaments, and I usually play for fun. I feel her condition removal pulse and minion buff are underrated and can make her a surprisingly strong model against some Masters. But my meta is small, so my view might be pretty skewed.

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Well with a serious game I mean that if you want to play for fun and the other guy is just trying to prison rape you to oblivion. That's my meta for the main part.

I try to play for fun, there are few opponents that this is possible with. Then there are few that just try to win by all means necessary and by that I mean a serious game. Can she survive there? My understanding is no.

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I look forward to ruining every game at your local meta when I come visit... that mentality is why I refuse to play outside my own home these days ;)

Yeah. Well when you don't have the option to play at home.. :P

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I try to play for fun, there are few opponents that this is possible with. Then there are few that just try to win by all means necessary and by that I mean a serious game. Can she survive there? My understanding is no.


Might be true. I've not tried it. I've also never played her against a pure ranged death list. Csn't help you there, but would like to hear the results if you try it.

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I'll have to see. I'd love to get Justice to function better than she does at the moment.


Good luck with that. I think a Lawyer for HtW and a Brutal Effigy might be the keys for tanking with her. I'd also add Hunters or Wardens. Rest depending on Schemes.


And I'm out for the day. Night, boys.

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I'm watching a Darklands video. The setting and the big monsters intrigued me. And I have to say: The video is incredibly dull. The beasts clash into each other, they throw a lot of dice and note damage, that's it. No movement, no positioning, no dynamic game play.


I again realised how lucky we are with Malifaux.

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Understandable for the first part, and again best wishes to you and yours


And definitely yes to Malifaux being dynamic. Mei Feng has now made me want to buy Ten Inches faction models. Because she is that awesome. Lazarus was also sooooooo worth the stones to hire him. And Pandora was lulz to slingshot around the board. 


Thank you.


I watched a Warmachine battle report, and a Darklands one. They both seemed like good games, but once the models met each other, they kind of... stayed there. They duked it out, models died, then someone won. No movement. Malifaux is so speedy in comparison. Even Justice, who generally plays just like that, moves around a lot more, not to mention Misaki, Pandora, Mei Feng and such.

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Yeah, you would expect with a larger model count there would be more action other than "roll dice, remove models," but nope. Mei Feng speeding around the board with On Wings of Wind (I must remember to use the free push EVERY TURN) was what definitely sold me on her. If a tactical game doesn't make me think, it's not worth playing. 


It's not like those games don't make you thing, I gather. You have to handle resources, choose targets, handle activation order. But there's no movement, and that makes watching those games quite dull. Movement tactics are the most fun, most interactive, most terrain-heavy kind of tactics, and they are enjoyable to watch. I'm glad Malifaux has a lot of that.

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