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Speaking of science...  my soul porter had his spear thing all bent from laying weird in a box.  But the hubby put him in some very hot water for a bit, then into a bath of ice water, and it straightened right out!  It was awesome!

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Abs, I just got your package. Everything in perfect condition. (Yes, that's what she said.)


Now I'll have to buy Hoffman really soon, before, Fate forbid, I'll be forced to play Ressers for two months.

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And back!


Glad it got there ok dirial..


Drybrush?  haven't done it for ages..then again i havent painted for ages either!


Careful layering and glazes to create the effects i want...


Does mean it takes an age to paint one model.


I don't have them now but once painted a squad of 5 assault marines in Ultramarines colours....took me on average 11 hours a model...  Why the F did i do that?!

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Raven Guard: Because Primer Black IS My Chapter Color

lol, my current army is Raven Guard, but again painted far too long per mini, in fact there is a large pile of grey still to do..(surprise surprise!)


It is currently residing at my brothers place due to us moving house and me not wanting it to go missing/get damaged!


Must get it back at some point..

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Took me maybe 5-6 hours to paint my revenant Titan (not counting drying time). Those smooth edges and flat surfaces make painting Eldar a breeze.

Man, I really wish 40k wasn't a complete shitfest these days.

Also, my phone recognizes "shitfest" as a word. That amuses me.

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I knew someone who had AutoCorrect filter to "autoerotic asphyxiation"


Which makes me wonder how often that comes up in conversation to actually predictive text that?!

I mean, I guess if you provide those kinds of services for a living it would come up a lot.

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So Saturday I will be trying two new Masters, and Monday I am only bringing Von Schill and mercenaries. 


What else is everyone up to this weekend?


To Vic and Mik, plans for Monday?


Monday?  Just working.  Tuesday is my Malifaux day!  This weekend I will be running a D&D game (2nd edition, forgotten realms setting) and probably playing some form of malifaux or another before everyone arrives.  Yan Blow is who I am playing until after Gen Con... unless its henchman led, or an enforcer brawl, in which I am playing something that is thematic to his crew!

I'm also thinking of starting to work on something for the iron painter theme maybe on Sunday... I am eliminated but still continuing to paint!

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So Saturday I will be trying two new Masters, and Monday I am only bringing Von Schill and mercenaries. 


What else is everyone up to this weekend?


To Vic and Mik, plans for Monday?

Getting drunk and playing same games. Probably malifaux, 40k conquest, and SW Armada. Can't. Wait.

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I'm surprised we aren't off, but I suspect because our cardholders will be traveling and holds will be popping up on their credit cards because they didn't notify us about the travel... that I will have many angry people to deal with.  I'm pretty sure I get paid more though.

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Getting paid more is always good.

I think SW Armada is my new favorite non-Malifaux game (sorry, Infinity, you'll have to settle for third place). Mostly because you can make "pew pew pew" noises and quote the movies endlessly.

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