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eBay, $60 in adult sizes for a full costume. Though it's direct from China, so it's probably made from mercury and ground up orphans...


What do they have in regard of eagle suits? Asking for a friend.

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If I'm honest I am starting to get pretty nervous about the whole thing. It's a massive commitment. One I'm happy to make but still, the ol' nerves flair up uncontrollably. 


It's not that massive. Seriously. You probably thought "We'll probably stay together" before the wedding. And if it doesn't work out, you go separate ways. Just like before.

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Totally understandable. Think of us as preparing you for the worst. zFiend around the bridesmaids. Without pants. 


ZFiend or the bridesmaids?


Also, that's not the worst. ZFiend around the children. Now that's a nightmare Chompy would be proud of.


And an eagle mask on.


He'll not get my eagle mask. It's mine. (I need it to scare my wife to death.)

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On the plus side, Wyrd is shipping my order today. So hopefully Friday evening.


I don't tend to order from Wyrd directly. If I did it probably wouldn't turn up until after I'm married because of the dumb USA postal service and international shipping. Being UK based though it's easier to go to the UK Distributor and get right from him or my LGS which is only 5 mins away in the car. 


I do plan on picking up some goodies with my Henchman SS at some point in the future though. 

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Yeah, I don't order from the Wyrd store itself. Orders from the USA tend to get slapped by sick shipping and insane import tax costs.


I ordered from Wyrd on their Black Friday sale two years ago, paid out the ass for Fedex shipping instead of USPS and not only did it cost more, the delivery was only a few days quicker and I got shafted with a massive import tax a few weeks later. Hench my reluctance to order from America. Too be fair we can get pretty much everything over here but sometimes it takes forever to get over here. 

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I ordered from Wyrd on their Black Friday sale two years ago, paid out the ass for Fedex shipping instead of USPS and not only did it cost more, the delivery was only a few days quicker and I got shafted with a massive import tax a few weeks later. Hench my reluctance to order from America. Too be fair we can get pretty much everything over here but sometimes it takes forever to get over here. 


True, true


At least the Desolation Engines are sighted in England.

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