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I always get my wife to proofread anything i write for an official capacity.


I figure that an English Graduate who works as a Knowledge and Communications manager should be reasonably literate! ;) (also qualified Librarian)


On the flip side, she always runs financial stuff past me, budgets etc as I am an Accountant.


I do pity our daughter having the ultimate nerdy parents...

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Are you kidding? Your daughter probably has a better shot than most. Backup in writing AND math? All you need is a scientist cousin to double check that end and she's golden lol

Well, not really a scientist but my brother is a qualified Mechanical and Electrical engineer...


So we have physics sorted.


I meant pity as in the first day of big school...


so what does your dad do?  Oh he is a manager for a large company and my mum is a model.  What about you?


Librarian and Accountant....


I'm sorry, didn't hear that...

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but i mean really..in such a male dominated world, would science actually progress if a woman entered the lab?


My money would be on a race to get a date between the science nerds!


Its like comic book stores and gaming shops..traditionally the home of the socially awkward male, who los eit should a female walk in..



God, i love stereotypes...

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My cousin was a stripper for about two years in her early twenties.  She worked in a decent gentlemans club in London to supplement her income.  She said it was better than the press etc make out, you are hardly groped etc, the tips are good and its safe and clean. 


And no, i did not go and see her perform...  sick people....

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They graduate. They go missing after. That's what I find so weird.


And yes, the world would be better of if more women were in science. If it wasn't such a rare occurence that the nerds would fall over drooling. More ideas=more science. People doing science regardless of gender=people who do science for science's sake. The world wouldn't change over night; it never does. Baby steps are steps in the right direction regardless.

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It's true for a lot of places. Walk out with $300 a night on average after paying your stage fees (yes, you have to pay them to work). Pays better than practically any job. The sad part is the number of women who get stuck in the rut because they're too tired and overworked to finish their degree, look for a new job, etc. It takes a lot to walk away from that kind of cash in hand. 

She wanted to start a family... she had met a guy and he wasn't great with her doing it.  They now have three great kids...and she doesn't regret either doing it, or finishing it...


She now works as a teaching assistant and loves it..


Though she still does a turn on a pole if anyone wants her to at parties for the kicks....fully clothed i might add!

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It's a really creative spin of Demon myths. No pentagrams or hell fire and burning crosses. No distant God that abandoned us (or even created the world). No discrepancy between judeo-christian myths and science at the core.


Just a dangerous lying monster hiding in human skin, with the laws of reality at the balls, fallen from God's grace, and now intent to rule in hell rather than serve in heaven. Also, a technological nightmare afraid of the hunter angels on his heels.


God is a machine. You were one of his executive programs. Now you are a virus. And the anti-virus is coming.

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You've sold me...


I will just add it to the 100gb of other RPG PDF's I currently own. 


It's a cool concept. The powers usually are something out of spy movie, but there is time travel and shit, too.

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Well then: Imagine that neither vampire nor human ever noticed that each night, the houses in Rhode Island move. They change places and rotate like some giant clockwork. No one is outside for the 10 min after midnight each night. They all forget the noises. No one notices. To power this movement, a local cult slaughters in innocent and paints a local radio antenna in his blood every Tuesday. Why do the houses move? The last house to move vanishes and reappears in another city. From now on, marking the cellar of that house with a specific rune opens a secret pathway to Rhode Island. A giant web of such pathways all around the world is in the process of developing. Soon Rhode Island will be a transportational hub for ... something.


The gears shift, the wheels spin, the occult matrix forms. This is the face of God. The God-Machine.

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