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My main issue why I quit Privateer gaming was "caster kill" being the ONLY mission people ever played. Also, everything was metal, and very heavy, with lots of fiddly metal bits always breaking or bending. And people really don't like when you blow up Cover because their model is a 15 to hit behind it, but the fence they're hiding behind is only a 7 - damn right I'm going to shoot the fence and make you take half damage!


I've not played PP games for long but I do enjoy a casual game of Hordes from time to time with my Skorne. Some of the missions are good fun but even then people ignore the scenario and go straight for my Morghoul or Makeda. Fucking dumb ass rule that but it's PP so you know... 

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a lot of the players take the fun right out of the game because "Page Five, bro... play like you have a pair."


Warmahordes: The Frat Boy's Tabletop Experience




I've played tournament players and just walked away from the table because they play full on fuck you in the ass filth after agreeing to a "beginner game". Naturally I never played those guys again because they are dicks who use Page 5 to justify being a total wanker. I got put up against Butcher3 in my first ever game... I mean what the fuck?! I won on Caster Kill but still!


Page 5 as far as I'm concerned is a bit of a laugh, nothing more. 

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Mechanically, the game is awesome. It's simple, the resource management system requires planning and strategy, and the battlegroup mechanic makes sense. Fluff-wise it is sorely lacking, and a lot of the players take the fun right out of the game because "Page Five, bro... play like you have a pair."


Warmahordes: The Frat Boy's Tabletop Experience


Not my experience. I never play tournaments, though. Also, I find their fluff way more interesting than GW's.


Although the actual writing is very similar:


"And then, the two armies met. And behold, they did BATTLE!


And they were all very awesome. They were so awesome that they did spectacular things! In fact, they were all so awesome that no one won. Or at least, one side won and the other survived, too.


It was a very thrilling battle!"

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Not my experience. I never play tournaments, though. Also, I find their fluff way more interesting than GW's.


Although the actual writing is very similar:


"And then, the two armies met. And behold, they did BATTLE!


And they were all very awesome. They were so awesome that they did spectacular things! In fact, they were all so awesome that no one won. Or at least, one side won and the other survived, too.


It was a very thrilling battle!"


You sure you don't work for GW and PP's story telling dept? That was uncanny! :D

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You sure you don't work for GW and PP's story telling dept? That was uncanny! :D


I think it says a lot that both companies' games handle the fluff way better in their RPGs. Take the background and tell your own stories works way better than reading the shit they come up with.

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I've played RPG systems from both companies and I kinda have to agree. Not all of GW and PP fluff is terrible but a lot of it is just pure shite. Especially that End Times malarky GW did recently. I envisage it coming about a little like this...


GW Dev Team - "I know! Let's crap all over 30+ years of well established and well loved stories"

GW Big Wigs - "Will it make us money?"

GW Dev Team - "It's pure shite and our customers are for the most part idiots so of course it will!"

GW Big Wigs - "SEND IT TO PRINT!!"

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I've played RPG systems from both companies and I kinda have to agree. Not all of GW and PP fluff is terrible but a lot of it is just pure shite. Especially that End Times malarky GW did recently. I envisage it coming about a little like this...


GW Dev Team - "I know! Let's crap all over 30+ years of well established and well loved stories"

GW Big Wigs - "Will it make us money?"

GW Dev Team - "It's pure shite and our customers are for the most part idiots so of course it will!"

GW Big Wigs - "SEND IT TO PRINT!!"

It probably is that, but it is a bold move as it will possibly alienate a lot of existing gamers.


I think the proof of how brave a decision it was will be how warhammer goes forward from now..

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The tabletop fluff for both GW and Privateer, as well as most novels written about Space Marines: "Reading this doesn't make me care about any of the characters or events you have just mentioned."


Favorite GW Novels: Horus Heresy series, Gotrek & Felix series, Gaunt's Ghosts series, Eisenhorn trilogy, the Night Lords trilogy (sooooo good)... it's pretty bad when a $12 paperback makes your $60 rulebook look like a supermarket tabloid at best. 

yeah, the heresy books actually make you like or hate the characters, even though you know how it all ends.


I have just read 'Scars' and come out of it thinking Khan is actually a good character and Mortarion is an ass!

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It probably is that, but it is a bold move as it will possibly alienate a lot of existing gamers.


I think the proof of how brave a decision it was will be how warhammer goes forward from now..


It already has alienated a LOT of gamers. My WFB community has scattered to the winds. Barely any of the guys I used to play with play anymore. There's a lot of hate for it on the forums I'm signed up to. People either refuse to use those rules or just dont play anymore. Certain Warhammer Tournaments allow End Times rules/lists and then wonder why attendance is 50% less than the previous year. I'm not at all optimistic about 9th ed, thankfully I've got M2E to cover my plastic crack fix! :D

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I posted a picture with the word semen... and no apperance from our Fin in the first minute.


Where is he today? Should we be worried?


*checks the news if Finland sunk into the sea*

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It already has alienated a LOT of gamers. My WFB community has scattered to the winds. Barely any of the guys I used to play with play anymore. There's a lot of hate for it on the forums I'm signed up to. People either refuse to use those rules or just dont play anymore. Certain Warhammer Tournaments allow End Times rules/lists and then wonder why attendance is 50% less than the previous year. I'm not at all optimistic about 9th ed. 

Strangely i am optimistic as long as they just don't go back to pre end times.


I am also liking the rumours about a skirmish style Warhammer game to be released, a la Warmachine etc...


But then, what they doesn't really affect me as i have enough minis for both the systems and my gaming buddies on the whole play whatever edition we fancy.


Anyway, as Dirial has said , lets move on...GW shouldn't really take up this much of our time lol!

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I posted a picture with the word semen... and no apperance from our Fin in the first minute.


Where is he today? Should we be worried?


*checks the news if Finland sunk into the sea*


I've noticed a distinct lack of Loki and "That's what she said". I think he might be off raiding with this guy...




*Checks local Wessex news for signs of Viking invasion*

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I posted a picture with the word semen... and no apperance from our Fin in the first minute.


Where is he today? Should we be worried?


*checks the news if Finland sunk into the sea*

He is being questioned by Finnish police as to why he has three ladies tied up in his basement.....

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Yeah, odd...


Someone should check the local morgue too... and dress shops... for obvious reasons...


*changes radio station*


"And in local news Anne Summers Helsinki Branch has been raided by local SWAT teams as a young man in his mid to late 20's has been seen dressed in a Victorian Gown performing Arcane Rituals on the victims on local Supermodels whilst waving a parasol aggressively". 


*Thinks to self "That's zFiend!!"* :D

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Thinking about it there is probably a more realistic reason for his absence. He's probably at the local Gym perving on all the young ladies in Yoga Pants.


And his phone is dead? He usually keeps us updated...


Only time he is away is when he's plying Malifaux. Perhaps he's rocking the Guild and didn't want to admit it?


Or maybe Aaron banned him?



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