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As far as models go GW and their kits are great. When it comes to pricing or balance or hell even just rules they really fall flat on their arse.


I see Dirial is retching at the current topic so a quick change is in order. What does everybody have planned for the weekend? I'm a free agent, the Mrs is going away for the entire weekend so I can do whatever I want. Saturday will officially be "gaming in your underwear day". I shall play games all day long in my underwear because fuck it, I can! (Unless it's Malifaux in which case Jeans might be called for) :D

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As far as models go GW and their kits are great. When it comes to pricing or balance or hell even just rules they really fall flat on their arse.


I see Dirial is retching at the current topic so a quick change is in order. What does everybody have planned for the weekend? I'm a free agent, the Mrs is going away for the entire weekend so I can do whatever I want. Saturday will officially be "gaming in your underwear day". I shall play games all day long in my underwear because fuck it, I can! (Unless it's Malifaux in which case Jeans might be called for) :D


I agree that they have a lot of really great kits. Marines, however...


As for the weekend: Visiting my parents. Mother's Day, you know. I will take some painting materials and my minis with me, though. My brother might be my Neverborn opponent, and my wife wants to paint some Gremlins.

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I agree that they have a lot of really great kits. Marines, however...


As for the weekend: Visiting my parents. Mother's Day, you know. I will take some painting materials and my minis with me, though. My brother might be my Neverborn opponent, and my wife wants to paint some Gremlins.


Cool, sounds like a great weekend in store then. Strange how you mention Mother's Day. I got in a panic a week or two ago when you guys mentioned it. We've already had ours back in March which was a relief when I realized we'd already had ours. 

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Cool, sounds like a great weekend in store then. Strange how you mention Mother's Day. I got in a panic a week or two ago when you guys mentioned it. We've already had ours back in March which was a relief when I realized we'd already had ours. 




Yeah, Mother's Day is not a big thing in our family. We'll use it as an excuse to visit, and we will do the chores and cook dinner. Meaning my brother and me. That's about it.

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Yeah, Mother's Day is not a big thing in our family. We'll use it as an excuse to visit, and we will do the chores and cook dinner. Meaning my brother and me. That's about it.


I don't really see it as a big deal either but if I forget and don't get my Mum something she'll never let it go. She also happens to be the person who pays my wages so I have to keep her sweet from time to time, working for the family business definitely comes with some downsides! :D . My Step-mum on the other hand doesn't mind so much if my Brother and I don't make a fuss, she's got my half Sister to worry about. 

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Hope you didn't forhet Mother's day back in March though MD!!


I don't really get all the hate against GW that i see on many sites.  They are a company out to make money.  Why this surprises some people i don't know.  Plus, currently being the big fish means they can get away with charging more for their product, along with the fact that people still buy it.


That may change as other companies begin to chip away at the market share.


But my view on GW is I'm glad they are there..without them, the likes of PP and Wyrd may never have popped up, we wouldn't have such a great hobby etc.


I think i can boil GW down to a few sweeping points:


1.  Their minis are top class

2.   Their backgrounds and fluff are usually well written and quite interesting.

3.  Their rules do leave a lot to be desired.


However, as I am in no way a tournament gamer or planning on being, what they produce serves a purpose for me in casual pick up an play games.  Also, because their games are sometimes the only ones i can play i do keep forces for both main systems.


With Warhammer i have that many i only need to buy the new dwarf releases as and when.


With 40k I have built up as much as i want for my Marines and will only purchase from time to time.


But i can see how their prices are an obstacle to new comers.

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Hope you didn't forhet Mother's day back in March though MD!!


I don't really get all the hate against GW that i see on many sites.  They are a company out to make money.  Why this surprises some people i don't know.  Plus, currently being the big fish means they can get away with charging more for their product, along with the fact that people still buy it.


Hahaha no I did not! Unfortunately I was ill over that weekend so I handed our cards and presents when I could. 


I feel seriously disenfranchised by GW because when I started playing the games they produce they were loyal to their customer base, prices were high but not OTT and they seemed to care about their community. These days they just feel like money grabbing corporate asshats who power creep the shit out of their games with each release to make more money whilst simultaneously not giving a fuck about the games balance or the community that play it. They aren't the same company that they were 10 years ago and they were still top dog back then. 

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I don't really get all the hate against GW that i see on many sites. 


Their rules are designed to make money instead of a pleasing gaming experience. They are also bad.

Their background ideas are interesting, but the actual fluff is usually boring, repetitive and contradictory.


I don't hate them, but I don't like much about them either.

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Hahaha no I did not! Unfortunately I was ill over that weekend so I handed our cards and presents when I could. 


I feel seriously disenfranchised by GW because when I started playing the games they produce they were loyal to their customer base, prices were high but not OTT and they seemed to care about their community. These days they just feel like money grabbing corporate asshats who power creep the shit out of their games with each release to make more money whilst simultaneously not giving a fuck about the games balance or the community that play it. They aren't the same company that they were 10 years ago and they were still top dog back then. 

Simple answer, play the game version you liked back then.


It only becomes a problem if its just you that is disillusioned.


If there are a few of you, no worries!

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Their rules are designed to make money instead of a pleasing gaming experience. They are also bad.

Their background ideas are interesting, but the actual fluff is usually boring, repetitive and contradictory.


I don't hate them, but I don't like much about them either.

I am pretty much Meh to them really..if i like their stuff i will buy it, otherwise it passes me by.


But I have to say about the rules thing..they have always said they were a mini company first and foremost..the rules were there for us to play games with those minis.

Admittedly now they really do seem to be making the rules to sell the minis, and do need to tighten up the rules.

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Simple answer, play the game version you liked back then.


It only becomes a problem if its just you that is disillusioned.


If there are a few of you, no worries!


A bunch of my old gaming group have left GW systems entirely for various games. Many came along to Malifaux with me, others jumped into Bolt Action but the new craze around my area is X-Wing which is in a way hindering the Malifaux scene at my local store. My club is different, they play everything but bloody X-Wing is the bane of my life on demo nights at my local store. 

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