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Guardians was amazing. Marvel has done a lot of shit lately.

But this is good because it's brutal. It's not trying to be a pg-13 tits and ass for the whole family deal. It's dark, it's bloody and it has good actors on the leads on both sides.

And there is no Thor or captain America.

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Guardians was amazing. Marvel has done a lot of shit lately.

But this is good because it's brutal. It's not trying to be a pg-13 tits and ass for the whole family deal. It's dark, it's bloody and it has good actors on the leads on both sides.

And there is no Thor or captain America.

I like Dark and Brutal...probably why i have been more attracted to the DC universe in the past.


The Captain America Films...no, sorry.


as for Jessica Jones..no idea on the character lol, but is the actress that one from 'the bitch in apartment...'?


she is cool if it is..

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Green Lantern was a horrifying movie though.

I liked wolverine as a kid. He was a dick and an obnoxious killer in some of them. And they were quite brutal at some points.

Where as superman never did anything for me. He was just boring as hell. Batman was always cool. Troubled kid decides to lash out at everyone. Though it always bothered me that he never kills anyone. That's why I love the Joker.

Thinking on it.. I usually like the bad guys more than the good guys (what all of them said.), they are just way cooler and I usually root for them.

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just discovering 2000ad?  the most recent stuff or some classic older stories?


A lot of the more modern stuff is quite polarising..you either love it or hate it.  I always found the progs back in the 80's etc had every story that i liked.  It was rare that they had a duff in my opinion.


But i still enjoy it on the whole, i think it is a refreshing change from the overload of US superhero dirge.


I also get the Megazine (every issue since number one in 1990!) .  I have almost every 2000ad too (just missing 53 in total, all from the first couple of years).


My loft is full of comic boxes lol..

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Strangely, my favorite doctor is Christopher Eccleston, but Tennant is second.

I never got Christopher Eccleston though he did grow on me just before he left lol!


I just find Matt Smith portrayed the Doctor's eccentricity in a better way than Tennant (who was too over the top)

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I really should just put all the models on the table I have and take a single picture. Maybe 30% of my collection is painted, and that's being generous. 

I seriously daren't do that...


Probably 70 or so models are built and based....50 or so are built but not on bases and almost 100 are still in the boxes!

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The only reason almost my entire rezzer faction is painted is because one of my friends wanted to borrow practically my entire rezzer faction for adepticon last year. I managed to paint 28 models for him in a period of one day! And then this year my brother borrowed a bunch of them and I painted another eleven this year.


*forgot to hit post and is posting this later than she wanted to!*

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I really want to get both of those TTB boxes. But then I would need players for TTB. And it makes me sad that I currently have D&D, then Shadowrun, and then have to wait until one of those two ends before starting a new RPG. 

I plan on using them to build a crew based on the characters from my Abs stories (see sig if you haven't already!).. Have an idea in my head for Absolution and Lydia, possibly Captain Knoffler.  But as for Abnernathy and officer reagan, i am struggling. 


And if you haven't read my stories, that last little bit means zilch to you!

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I probably should read your stories. Also, does the TTB model kit collection have rifles? It would probably save me on Guild models if I just built them. 

Can' t remember off the top of my head..If it does it won't have many as it has a lot of pistols, hand weapons etc..


And as for the stories, don't expect great things from them, i need to revisit some sections and rework them.  And there are a lot of them!

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From someone who can't get past chapter 3 when writing his own, the fact you have your own stories is awesome.

lol I have 6 books i think (all have 4 chapters in) plus a few one offs...


I got really into it at one stage, and i need to get that mojo back as i have sooooo many ideas for the next batch!

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I sit here all day and come up with ideas for characters and stories, and then never write any.  :(  I've signed up for iron quill like six time and only ever finished a story once!  I was proud of the story though.

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lol I have 6 books i think (all have 4 chapters in) plus a few one offs...


I got really into it at one stage, and i need to get that mojo back as i have sooooo many ideas for the next batch!


I have written the broad strokes of a story I want to write. Maybe I will finish it in a few months <_<

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