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Other random thoughts: why are all crew leaders called "Masters"? Wouldn't the female ones be called "Mistresses"? Or is Master a title the same way Ser is in the Dragon Age games?


Edit: Actually, thinking about it more, from a game play perspective it makes sense. Having "Master" as a keyword is important, and no need to muck it up.

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Yes, I know


I'm intrigued. Do you want to tell us, because I'd like to know as well?


Other random thoughts: why are all crew leaders called "Masters"? Wouldn't the female ones be called "Mistresses"? Or is Master a title the same way Ser is in the Dragon Age games?


Edit: Actually, thinking about it more, from a game play perspective it makes sense. Having "Master" as a keyword is important, and no need to muck it up.


This. You English speaking people should be glad that you don't need to change Enforcer, Minion, and such by gender.

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Forgotten Marshal was almost the Monday Preview. Then it wasn't


You are EVIL.


Eh, I'm 50/50, thanks for asking


My pleasure. So, I'm guessing it won't happen soonish?


Hm. Guess I'm going to ask my programmer buddy then. But it'll suck to have to scan all 54 cards.

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The pants?


Na, she helped me pick them out.


You are EVIL.



My pleasure. So, I'm guessing it won't happen soonish?


Hm. Guess I'm going to ask my programmer buddy then. But it'll suck to have to scan all 54 cards.


You know you aren't the first person to want a deck of cards online, right? I mean, they already exist....

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You are EVIL.


Think that was a job requirement. Can see the job interview now...


Nathan: Aaron, how do you feel about toying with the hopes, dreams, and emotions of random people?

Aaron: Dream job, sir!

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Think that was a job requirement. Can see the job interview now...


Nathan: Aaron, how do you feel about toying with the hopes, dreams, and emotions of random people?

Aaron: Dream job, sir!


1) There was no job interview. There was me being awesome, and then poof.

2) I don't call anyone sir.


Other than that, spot on!

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You know you aren't the first person to want a deck of cards online, right? I mean, they already exist....


Well, yeah, but one with the right suits, where all can pick from the same one for all to see, but have their own, custom, 13 cards deck...


I haven't found one like that yet.

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Well, yeah, but one with the right suits, where all can pick from the same one for all to see, but have their own, custom, 13 cards deck...


I haven't found one like that yet.


Hmm, I can see some kind of proprietary software/program thing by Wyrd filling that niche. Off the top of my head, would work better as an app. That would bring up a host of other issues, mainly "does everyone have a compatible device."


Have some friends (and a sibling) in the tech world. May see how hard it would be to come up with something like this.


Don't worry, Aaron, won't be stealing any IP. If it is possible though you may be getting an email.

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Well played. I do call people sir sarcastically, so I guess you win?


A bit dissapointed because I cannot play TtB, and it might mean we'll play WoD instead. Which is an awesome system, but I'd like the choice.


WoD is not an awesome system. It is an acceptable system. I have played much WoD, and their system is meh. Their setting tends to be fairly strong, but the all-inclusiveness of the WoD itself is a bit silly.


I personally play Changeling and leave the rest out (though I have also can enjoy Core).

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WoD is not an awesome system. It is an acceptable system. I have played much WoD, and their system is meh. Their setting tends to be fairly strong, but the all-inclusiveness of the WoD itself is a bit silly.


I personally play Changeling and leave the rest out (though I have also can enjoy Core).


Okay, the crunch is not awesome, I meant the whole thing. Although it's gotten better with 2nd Edition, I think.


Changeling is the most creepy one by far, but I'm a big Demon fan. Mummy is the kicker, but sadly stuck in 1st Edition. Pity.

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An app would be great, but at the same time, problematic for actual tabletop game use. Small screen and whatnot. If you check out Boss Monster (now available on Android and iTunes), they have the multiplayer card support you'd be looking for. I Kickstarter'd that game. So worth the $25...


An App would defeat my purpose of playing it over the internet, with people who don't use the same phones. If it's on a small screen, that doesn't matter much, as I won't use it for actual tabletop. Nothing beats real cards.


I just wnat something like Vassal to support TtB. That'd be awesome.

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An app would be great, but at the same time, problematic for actual tabletop game use. Small screen and whatnot. If you check out Boss Monster (now available on Android and iTunes), they have the multiplayer card support you'd be looking for. I Kickstarter'd that game. So worth the $25...


Yeah, I got in on the BM kickstarter. My wife and I really enjoy the game so was allowed to get the collector edition thingey. 


Will have to look into their app. I agree it would be problematic for tabletop use, but if you're playing TtB over Skype then it isn't really an issue.

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