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no wonder Eric's new pic looks so.... Off...

although... I would have thought Nathan was the one with the cooties *shivers, thinking of Nathan's new pic*

Heh Eric's pic is really cool I think, I like it a lot =D

I love Nathan's to, it's a very angry Puppet XD Not sure if Nathan is really that angry of a person... buuutttt the art is still awesome.

Just gotta get my Nephilim back >.> maybe I can before a Mature Nephilim this time....

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Nathan's a lot like me. Or is it that I'm a lot like him?



@AB: yeah I kinda thought the same thing XD

Meh, I'm perfectly Mature when I have the need to be ;) Just don't often get the need to be so may as well revel in the excitement of everything and have fun ;) Besides, I doubt a person in this thread can really lay claim to that word any way :D

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Meh, I'm perfectly Mature when I have the need to be ;) Just don't often get the need to be so may as well revel in the excitement of everything and have fun ;) Besides, I doubt a person in this thread can really lay claim to that word any way :D


I think you'll find I'm the most mature poster on here. Not one of my posts are infantile, full of innuendo or downright off the planet.

If I was of a different temperament, i would take offence!!


#blows raspberry#

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LOL! Bacon Cat! XD

@AB: Surrreeeee. *snickers and puts a Smiley Faced sticker on your back*

@CD: Ohhh excellent lol. I read your previous work and it was.... entertaining shall we say? But yes, we will have to know where they are =D

You could always host them on Google Docs... though they may violate some of the Terms and use... you'd have to read those.

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*grins at Abs* You'll have to let us know where they are!

So you liked the demo then? ;)

@AB: Surrreeeee. *snickers and puts a Smiley Faced sticker on your back*

@CD: Ohhh excellent lol. I read your previous work and it was.... entertaining shall we say? But yes, we will have to know where they are =D

You could always host them on Google Docs... though they may violate some of the Terms and use... you'd have to read those.

#tries to reach smiley sticker.Fails#

Dammit. Fell?

Absolution Black! I can't... *starts to girn, tries to hide it* I can't believe you would *starts to laugh, loses control... laughs long and hard*

What? Stick bacon to a cat? Or write more stories?

The cat loves it....keeps both the cat and myself entertained for hours. tomorrow we try pepperami.

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*peels sticker off of Abs, puts it in the middle of Karn's forehead, slaps it to make sure it doesn't fall off*

*Flails a bit and clings to Fell's head as she does. Climbs on to of her head and peals the sticker off*

errrrraaauugghhh. *tosses the sticker aside and rubs head*

Hey ... he is made of metal, I'm not.

@Picture: *Snickers* nice one XD

@2nd Picture: Ahahaha! Not animal posters! Noooo!

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*laughs* I think I will be away from my computer for now.. I may be back this evening...

Abs, Have a fantastic afternoon!

@Everyone else... Remember to tell your families that you love them... and hold every single day they are with you in your heart.

Have a good afternoon Fell and good luck =)

*hugs the side of your head on the way out*

Will do, and good advice. Take care :)

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*laughs* I think I will be away from my computer for now.. I may be back this evening...

Abs, Have a fantastic afternoon!

@Everyone else... Remember to tell your families that you love them... and hold every single day they are with you in your heart.

Ok Fell, Great philosophy. Take care and I hope everything goes well!

I may be back on later tonight............

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