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Pretty well, thanks for asking. How long since your last update?


ZFiend and me duke it out and I'll probably be "forced" to buy the new Molly box, my new wife found out and was mildly annoyed, and the new supplement of Mummy: The Curse is out. Also, I'm playing XCOM.


So, pretty well.

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Windows Update? It wasn't all that long, unfortunately. I think a head crashed or something, to be honest.


Glad you're doing well. :) X-Com is a lot of fun, especially with the expansion. Just wish that the expansion had changed up the end game, although it made the midgame fairly awesome. I've been playing Destiny and DA:I lately which have been fun, and continuing to paint through my Skorne.

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Things are okay. Still dating that girl, which has been fun. :) On the downside, my Gencon plans just caved in... luckily before anything was paid for, but it's frustrating because I was hoping to hang out with some friends there and we're all messed up because of one person dropping. (sigh)

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X-Com is a lot of fun, especially with the expansion. Just wish that the expansion had changed up the end game, although it made the midgame fairly awesome. I've been playing Destiny and DA:I lately which have been fun, and continuing to paint through my Skorne.


Can't say I have played Destiny, but I played DA:I. Good game, but not overwhelmingly so. I hate it that Bioware found the way to build up a perfect end game (ME2), and then just never did it again. Bleagh.


I'm doing okay cheers. Supposed to go on a date tomorrow. I hate dating.  :D


Who doesn't? Still, good luck.


Morning everybody. 


It's going fine over here. It was harder to wake up for some reason than yesterday.


Morning, PD. Waking up is the second hardest thing in the morning....

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Huh. ME2 was good, but I have to say DA:I is the best of the Bioware games for me. They did a great job with it. Ah well. 


It's the ending I'm specifically talking about. In ME2, the whole squad seems meaningful, the pacing is great, there are epic feelings involved... Only DA:O came close. In ME3, DAII and DA:I, it's just so disappointing that we know they can do better... but don't.


How's your XCom campaign going? Where'd you start out?


Pretty good. Started in Europe (more by accident), didn't lose one country, and nearing the endgame now. Fun game!

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DA:O Ending was pretty good. The less that is said about DA2 the better. 


I still like the first act. DAII had some neat ideas, from a storytelling perspective. Also, the squad was way more interesting than the DA:I one, I think.


Now, I have run out of positive things to say about it...

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I am currently playing through all Dragon Age games, with the aim to setup a save file to use for Inquisition. (I heard this isn't nescessary, but well). Currently finished off the less interesting/bad areas (Tower & Deep Roads). I wonder how they always have such interesting Dwarf lore, and manage to make such bad areas for them...

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