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Hopefully your Wife is doing well *nods*

Hang in there man. *Tosses you a coffee*

I (luckily I suppose) didn't have as bad a day as that, but still some royal messes.

Couldn't sleep last night, like at all for some annoying reason (so since friday haven't slept much and now no real sleep >.>). Had my main computer's motherboard have another hardware fault so looks like I need to replace that. Got a page at 9:30 last night that a set of servers at work went down, luckily not my job to bring them back up... but one of my interfaces runs on them so I have to tend to it this morning and pray it wasn't what brought it down. And then add a few other pieces of complete BS to the plate (not worth talking about them) and that's my breakfast -_-

Yeah she is fine, just a bit tired and upset about being in hospital for so long, but she knows its for the best for her and the baby.

Sounds like your day was crap, hopefully today won't be too crap!

I wonder if Fell is having a rough day, can we get the Hat-trick? ;)

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Yeah she is fine, just a bit tired and upset about being in hospital for so long, but she knows its for the best for her and the baby.

Sounds like your day was crap, hopefully today won't be too crap!

I wonder if Fell is having a rough day, can we get the Hat-trick? ;)

Only if Luongo is in net *snickers at the Canucks*

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So is the next game the decider then? Or is there two more? I guess the next one is awy so if you can beat them there you stand a good chance of finishing the job off at home?

I know nothing! ;)

The final game, Game 7 is tonight in Vancouver. Both teams are undefeated at home in the series so we will see what happens! Root for them though *shakes fist* Root for them.

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The final game, Game 7 is tonight in Vancouver. Both teams are undefeated at home in the series so we will see what happens! Root for them though *shakes fist* Root for them.

Rooting! Rooting! (and not in the Australian sense ;))

Will keep my fingers crossed, though I'm likely to be asleep when its happening!!

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*appears behind AB*

I think your summoning is still out of whack man.

Though glad to see your rooting.... now .... root harder *eyes sternly*

#looks at KArn with narrowed eyes#

Watch it Neph, i am voluntarily supporting the Bruins for you. Try and force the issue and I may get narked!....


Go Bruins!

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too excited to sleep..... *jaw cracking yawn* but the sleep dep is catching up... think I'm gonna take a nap between jobs....

Probably a good idea if you can manage to sleep some. Since the kiosk is so boring you don't want to fall asleep at it ><

@AB: You may get narked.... something is lost in translation there XD What does that mean to you AB?

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@Abs: I got the email... Thanks!

Yup, i noticed! Feedback appreciated....

@AB: You may get narked.... something is lost in translation there XD What does that mean to you AB?

narked...means annoyed, frustrated, basically put in a foul mood!


What's this? Lobo posting before 10am??? Yep, up stupid early for a flight for a work trip. Nothing better to do while I wait for the plane. I'll be offline most of the next few days though. Will catch up in the evenings. ;)

Flying High,

Flying High,


Flying High!

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What's this? Lobo posting before 10am??? Yep, up stupid early for a flight for a work trip. Nothing better to do while I wait for the plane. I'll be offline most of the next few days though. Will catch up in the evenings. ;)

Remember to stay in the plane while its flying Lobo ;D

@AB: Got a secret project?

@Narked: Ahhh. Nark here is basically someone who informs to the police on people. So Narked could have been someone who was subject to the doings of a Nark... Like: Ab just Narked on us, now we have to run from the coppers.

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@AB: Got a secret project?

@Narked: Ahhh. Nark here is basically someone who informs to the police on people. So Narked could have been someone who was subject to the doings of a Nark... Like: Ab just Narked on us, now we have to run from the coppers.

Not that secret a project.....Just sent one of my tales for her perusal, and honest opinion!

I'm sure she'll pass it on, or you can get to see it one way or other!


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Not that secret a project.....Just sent one of my tales for her perusal, and honest opinion!

I'm sure she'll pass it on, or you can get to see it one way or other!


I don't know.... you have a very dirty mind and I'm easily corrupted.... going to corrupt my poor little Nephilim min... *starts laughing* Sorry... couldn't keep a straight face any longer. *cackles*

Heh, but sure why not. Lets see what you've got! *Explosions*

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@Abs: sorry to hear that your wife is in the hospital... I'm sure it's for the best... make sure to bring her good food (I don't know about hospitals in the UK, but in the US the food is subpar...) and positive thoughts and energy. And flowers. Flowers always make a lady feel better :)

Yup the food is crap, well it was when my mum was in there a year or two back! And she is vegetarian too so it cuts down the options....i will be cooking and sneaking it in!

Flowers are good, but she doesn't like to clutter her already small bedside table! If she gets her own room as she is in longer term, then we shall make it an explosion! She just wants chocolate at the moment! ;)

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