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I'm sorry guys but I'm not up to it today. (Wait. That's what she said.)

I threw up twice and fell asleep on the couch for two hours. Now I'm watching Snatch. God I love these movies. Are there a category or something for these kinds? Such as Snatch, Lock Stock and Two smoking barrels, Burn After Reading, The Big Lebowski etc.

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I'm happy if I get it in a week...


You really should be watching Daym Drops on Youtube. It takes talent to make reviews of fast food actually interesting.


And the Five Guys burger in the gif above really is that good- you have to find a good local joint to get any better.


This is how your family and loved ones will remember your last words... I guarantee it


It'll be on his tombstone.


"Here lies zFiend- dead. That's what she said."




The ol' Kid 'n' Play 80's Hightop Fade is back...so strange.


Here it's a privileged white person who comes from middle to upper-middle class lineage, listens only to Indie music, watches only Indie movies, gets involved in every liberal social cause on the planet, and spends a lot of money on designer clothes that are made to appear as if the wearer is homeless. They also only ever drink horrible beer, and are notoriously cheap, and no matter what they have to have either done something long before it was popular, or are into something SOOOOO underground you're not sure if they are making it up because Google doesn't

even know about it...


Actually, most of the hipsters I run into are libertarian fuckheads, other than liking organic food or possibly being vegan. Beyond that- spot on. These are the Penguins who, when surrounded by dozens of amazing beers from Europe, American microbreweries, and even Asia, they'll get...fucking PBR. Assholes.


As much as I hate "celebrities," I can tolerate that man in anything. He's just... cool.


I don't hate celebrities in general. I just hate the ones that are famous despite having no talent whatsoever. Neil Patrick Harris has talent, so it's cool.


My weekend was OK. Girlfriend's car snafu solved, shopped for some flooring, watched Wrestlemania, ordered some more board game and minis stuff. Excitement. :mellow:


Oh, KR has a buy one get one case deal through Mid-April. I love their stuff, even though all of these case systems are pricey (especially Battle Foam- ugh).

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While I wait for this install to finish so I can go home, I am torturing myself by looking at geekchichq.com.


Though I'd also like to own one of these with Dig Dug, Galaga, and a Pac-Man of some kind in it: http://www.frontgate.com/pac-man-13-game-arcade-cocktail-table/indoor-furniture/game-media-room-furnishings/480681 though I would not buy it from this place. I'd ask my cousin to get in touch with a buddy of his, see if I can find an old one somewhere, and fix it up.

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While I wait for this install to finish so I can go home, I am torturing myself by looking at geekchichq.com.


Though I'd also like to own one of these with Dig Dug, Galaga, and a Pac-Man of some kind in it: http://www.frontgate.com/pac-man-13-game-arcade-cocktail-table/indoor-furniture/game-media-room-furnishings/480681 though I would not buy it from this place. I'd ask my cousin to get in touch with a buddy of his, see if I can find an old one somewhere, and fix it up.


I feel I didn't understand half of what you said.


Morning, guys! Feeling better, y'all?

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