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whats up Iam back .

just put some money down on a German Shepard that will be ready to go home with us this weekend . super amped !

whats everyone up too , i looked back seen a ton of comics besides that anything new?

Thats awesome! I love German Shepards! Just gotta train them to be a pet and not a gaurd dog and they rock =D

@Chocobo: Hahaha! Awesome man! You dug that one up from the dark past of cartoons XD.

I'm keeping my eyes out for Hobos... sKeTCH is gonna feed me to them *sticks tongue out at sKeTCH*

... *prepares to be bopped for this*... does the fell taste good? *licks the side of Fells face* Hmmmm.....
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Thats awesome! I love German Shepards! Just gotta train them to be a pet and not a gaurd dog and they rock =D

@Chocobo: Hahaha! Awesome man! You dug that one up from the dark past of cartoons XD.

... *prepares to be bopped for this*... does the fell taste good? *licks the side of Fells face* Hmmmm.....

I wouldn't try if you want to live Karn

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LOL @ Karn

@ Chocobo, please....put your feathers back on....nobody wants to see that

I suppose I really need to buy Marcus, so that I at least have all of the pieces from one faction. Otherwise, I feel left out or something....LOL

I would, but it's a bit difficult when Karn and Skech have tired me to a pole over a fire

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*sends Karn flying across the thread to land upside down against a wall* UGH! Neph Spit :slap:

*rights himself and rubs the side of his head* Fell is really strong when she wants to be >.>

*jumps back onto her shoulder but with a wash cloth and washes off her cheek* Well take it as you will, but you don't taste half bad XD

*Grins and winks*

Eh what is life without being bold at times ;D

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Why the Hobos... they are your friends and a useful source of information! Spawn taught us that... befriend the Hobos *nods*

*eyes the dogs and Foe*

I guess that is a no....


*Distracts everyone with a giant billboard featuring:



Edited by karn987
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