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Off Topic Playground

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Tara does three things- bury people, do things to buried people, and mucking about with time.


She can handle objectives by herself sometimes (built in Reactivate if you activate her first in the turn), and other times you just want to bury something and beat it down while buried. During the beta you could bury models and hit them with what I liked to call "subterrainian bombardment" with the Void Wretches. I almost killed McMourning that way, haha.

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I haven't gotten a game in for a while now. The withdrawal symptoms are kicking in. :(


Yeah, this. Friend of mine wanted to come over last weekend and canceled on short order. I was crushed.


I'm not so well today: My fiancee and I have to do an opposed Wp duel over our last names (or name, in short order.) We struggle with the decision, but I fear that in case of a draw, she would win. She's kind of the attacker in this...

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Sorry to hear that Dirial. Is it a big deal?


It kind of is. I don't put too much stock in my name, really, but I had my reasons to want the commitment to our new family from her.


And she is just stubborn!  :angry:


No, it will be well. I'm kind of struggling with it now, but I'll get through it. After all, who cares about real names? I'll still be Dirial the Guildy to you guys.

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(Also, I like the Boondoggle trait. Which one do you think is like me the most? :D )


Not Lust. You said your love life was boring.


Pride maybe?


(Anecdote: When I started to study psychology, my friedns and I used the 7 deadly sins as a personality scale. Each had to measure the others in the degree each sin played a role in their life. For fun. Psychologists are strange.)

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Then we would probably need to rebrand Dirial because Guildy is a faction not a model characteristics. What would he be though..?

Dirial the Proxy? The Lawyer? No I got! Dirial the stalker!

That freaking Guildy follows me everywhere...

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