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Meh, and then there was one....

#looks around#

So, anyone know much about this new Wii U? Sounds promising and if it means games that will normally just come out on PS3 or Xbox will now make it to Nintendo I'll be happy.

Just wonder how much it will cost!

*looks up*

Oh I'm still around XD

I don't know a whole lot about it besides the E3 videos for it and a few reviews of it. Waiting for the Tech Demo to come out, but it looks intrigueing. The Controller has a built in touch pad along with all the normal buttons and motion sensor. So the Controll is a screen and so is your TV, so some of the stuff like the Baseball demo was a very cool use of both screens.

I think there is a ton of promise for it as long as developers make good use of the system. It took the ma while to make good use of the Wii I think but they are getting better at working motion sensors into gameplay which is fun. I'm not huge into the motion sensor games to be honest, I still like my Xbox Controller with no motion sensor etc.

But yeah... I think it will be cool and my bet is probably $250 or $300 for it when it comes out.... but who knows at this point XD.

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Yeah, I believe that you can play the games on your controller should someone else (looking at you my dear wife) want to watch the TV at the same time.

That sounds kinda handy. And HD graphics will always be welcome. Apparently people are drooling over a Zelda HD demo that looks truly fantastic....I need to start saving now I guess, just in case!

I suppose as long as its backwards compatible with the current Wii, i could trade it in for a small contribution towards it!

I will keep a close eye on these developments....

Then I can hope Darksiders comes out on it...

And looking at it, I reckon it will be more like £200 - £300, though i realise you get techy stuff cheaper in the US.... grrrrr!

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Yeah, I believe that you can play the games on your controller should someone else (looking at you my dear wife) want to watch the TV at the same time.

That sounds kinda handy. And HD graphics will always be welcome. Apparently people are drooling over a Zelda HD demo that looks truly fantastic....I need to start saving now I guess, just in case!

I suppose as long as its backwards compatible with the current Wii, i could trade it in for a small contribution towards it!

I will keep a close eye on these developments....

Then I can hope Darksiders comes out on it...

And looking at it, I reckon it will be more like £200 - £300, though i realise you get techy stuff cheaper in the US.... grrrrr!

Yeah I'm excited about it... I keep almost getting a Wii then realizing there aren't enough games on it I would really play a lot :/

But the Zelda demo looks AMAZING! I would kill to have Ocarina of Time with graphics like that! It floored me XD

I doubt you will see Darksiders out on it... Darksiders is very brutal, very gritty, and all in all not kid or family friendly to any degree. They could probably cut it down a bit for them... but until they start putting more mature games on there like Madworld, I doubt it :/

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Yeah I'm excited about it... I keep almost getting a Wii then realizing there aren't enough games on it I would really play a lot :/

But the Zelda demo looks AMAZING! I would kill to have Ocarina of Time with graphics like that! It floored me XD

I doubt you will see Darksiders out on it... Darksiders is very brutal, very gritty, and all in all not kid or family friendly to any degree. They could probably cut it down a bit for them... but until they start putting more mature games on there like Madworld, I doubt it :/

There are actually quite a few dark adult oriented games on the Wii (Resident evil, House of the dead, manhunt, madworld, silent hill) so i think there is a market for it.

I don't see the Wii U suffering from the 'kiddy friendly' tag, especially since Nintendo are now losing ground on their competitors. Sure it will always be the go to console for families etc but I do think we will see games like Darksiders etc come out on the new console, and hopefully uncut.

After all, it is down to the parents or gamers themselves as to what gets played on the console, not Nintendo. they shouldn't be worried about putting this stuff out.

And You may as well hold off on the Wii then until you get more details about the new one, I have a Wii because I only have time for playing 'pick up' games at the moment. So Mario kart and Wii sports are great for me to relax every now and then....

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There are actually quite a few dark adult oriented games on the Wii (Resident evil, House of the dead, manhunt, madworld, silent hill) so i think there is a market for it.

I don't see the Wii U suffering from the 'kiddy friendly' tag, especially since Nintendo are now losing ground on their competitors. Sure it will always be the go to console for families etc but I do think we will see games like Darksiders etc come out on the new console, and hopefully uncut.

After all, it is down to the parents or gamers themselves as to what gets played on the console, not Nintendo. they shouldn't be worried about putting this stuff out.

And You may as well hold off on the Wii then until you get more details about the new one, I have a Wii because I only have time for playing 'pick up' games at the moment. So Mario kart and Wii sports are great for me to relax every now and then....

Ahhh good point, I forgot those games were on the Wii. I just remember walking into the store and looking at the wall for Wii and seeing TONS of kids and family friendly games. Impressions and all that I guess XD Happy to be wrong about it though.

Eh yeah it really is, but the company was trying to build a reputation on it and it just didn't quite work out. The Wii is cool and actually it seems to have a better market amongst adults and seniors then among younger kids and the usual Gamer age.

So I'd would be awesome if they picked it up! It is a game worth the time spent on it and then some XD

Otherwise when the 360 get's phased out and if the stuff is compatible with the new one, Ill send you mine. It is well loved... but it works just fine XD

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The new system looks great , but late to the ball game . The tech although better than ps3 and xbox , its still 4year old tech . This system will be great for the next year to 15 months til. Xbox and ps3 come out with there next gen tech ( look at battle field 3 for pc

That kind ) .

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Otherwise when the 360 get's phased out and if the stuff is compatible with the new one, Ill send you mine. It is well loved... but it works just fine XD

Lol, I haven't heard anything about a new Xbox yet.... But i guess this new announcement from Nintendo will get the wheels rolling at Microsoft and Sony....

Its a neverending cycle....

I may hold you to that offer! ;)

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The new system looks great , but late to the ball game . The tech although better than ps3 and xbox , its still 4year old tech . This system will be great for the next year to 15 months til. Xbox and ps3 come out with there next gen tech ( look at battle field 3 for pc

That kind ) .

Yeah, i agree. Nintendo always do seem to be late to the party. But as a gamer who likes gameplay over graphics anyway, they have always been my go to. I remember my younger brother in law getting one of the Halo games at the same time I got Twilight Princess.

He had finished the game within 6 hours. I am still getting lots out of Twilight Princess over 70 hours later, and I consider myself quite an able gamer (just not on 1st person shooters lol)

So I don't know about the next big leap in tech, unless it really does allow much more gameplay and larger games to be produced, rather than just tarting up the graphics...

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Lol, I haven't heard anything about a new Xbox yet.... But i guess this new announcement from Nintendo will get the wheels rolling at Microsoft and Sony....

Its a neverending cycle....

I may hold you to that offer! ;)

I thought there was with some leaks for it.... but they announced they are working on it a while back, same with Sony.

@FOE: Well yes and no. the Wii is still one of the best motion capture systems out there and I hear it's worlds better then the Sony Lolly Pop and the Kinect is a different type of system so I'd hesitate to compare them. But graphics and power wise, yeah it will fall behind but being the uber cutting edge isnt Nintendo's thing. At least they didn't have Red Ring of Doom issues or almost lost a format war for it's disk.

I guess we will just have to wait and see =D

@AB: The big jumps in tech will be processing power for the machines so the Games can have more complex and robust AI, gameplay, etc. As well as what the next disk format is going to be eventually as games get bigger and bigger, they push the limits of their current media.

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I guess we will just have to wait and see =D

@AB: The big jumps in tech will be processing power for the machines so the Games can have more complex and robust AI, gameplay, etc. As well as what the next disk format is going to be eventually as games get bigger and bigger, they push the limits of their current media.

Yup, a case of wait and see.

Ah, I see about the processing power. But again it comes down to the decision by gaming companies and designers as to whether they use the extra power for more gameplay or more relaistic graphics I guess.

Its just, and no offence to anyone on here, that whenever I hear the gamers i know talking about new games for the Xbox or PS3, its always " this looks amazing", "Look at the realistic graphics" etc. When I ask how much gameplay there is, or how involved it is, they look at me as if I've told them they smell like poo!

Anyway, Its all a personal thing and its time for me to go...

See you all after the weekend!

Have a good un!


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Don't eat the bear, we need me for rules and stuff

Meh, and then there was one....

#looks around#

So, anyone know much about this new Wii U? Sounds promising and if it means games that will normally just come out on PS3 or Xbox will now make it to Nintendo I'll be happy.

Just wonder how much it will cost!

Don't on price, but it's nintendo, around the £200-£250tops

Yeah, I believe that you can play the games on your controller should someone else (looking at you my dear wife) want to watch the TV at the same time.

That sounds kinda handy. And HD graphics will always be welcome. Apparently people are drooling over a Zelda HD demo that looks truly fantastic....I need to start saving now I guess, just in case!

I suppose as long as its backwards compatible with the current Wii, i could trade it in for a small contribution towards it!

I will keep a close eye on these developments....

Then I can hope Darksiders comes out on it...

And looking at it, I reckon it will be more like £200 - £300, though i realise you get techy stuff cheaper in the US.... grrrrr!

Not likely AB's

Yeah I'm excited about it... I keep almost getting a Wii then realizing there aren't enough games on it I would really play a lot :/

But the Zelda demo looks AMAZING! I would kill to have Ocarina of Time with graphics like that! It floored me XD

I doubt you will see Darksiders out on it... Darksiders is very brutal, very gritty, and all in all not kid or family friendly to any degree. They could probably cut it down a bit for them... but until they start putting more mature games on there like Madworld, I doubt it :/

Madworld is not mature

The new system looks great , but late to the ball game . The tech although better than ps3 and xbox , its still 4year old tech . This system will be great for the next year to 15 months til. Xbox and ps3 come out with there next gen tech ( look at battle field 3 for pc That kind ) .

Nintendo could have made the wii HD but didn't instead choosing to made it more affordably

Hell I brough my wii, a few week after release and was still cheaper than my PS3 that I bought about year ago

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Back from lunch!!!

I got my first "thanks for the application, but we've picked interviewees and you're not one of them" letters. Nonononono, don't be sorry. I applied for the job, and would have taken the job... but I didn't want that job..

Welcome back! Have a good lunch?

Well at least you got a reply which isn't a bad thing in an of it's self. Hopefully one of the others pulls through for you =D

@AB: have a good evening man!

@Sketch: I actually made terrain out of mine XD. Paper miche (or however you spell it) building or there is always the Volcano etc XD

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It was digital... not hard copy.. :) no burning my iPod... I'm still half convinced that I'm going insane, and you guys are just electical impulses who happen to talk to me... I tell people that my friends live in my iPod...


She has realized it! Code Blue! CODE BLUE!

*watches Sketch Vanish* Crap it's starting!

*Ten minutes later*

Neh we are real ;D

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*starts pulling out glitter and tossing it into the air* sKeTCH..? Where are you sKeTCH? Come out, or I'm gonna cover you with glitter *grins evilly, continues to make a HUGE mess with the sparkly white glitter*

*sits on your shoulder, now covered in glitter and sparkles, blows some out of his eyes*

Oh... this was a wonderful idea...

*looks to Fell*

Your getting more on me then him.

*blows more out of his face as another batch rains down*

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Whats with glitter , I hate it, I can never truly clean it away when it get all over the place.

@karn I agree nintendo had the best motion capture games , the ps3 one is super precise , the xbox kenect is cool in its own way ... But when was the last good motion game from any of the 3. Wii had hsf one in a while anf the other 2 never really had one .

Like the power glove back in the day the tech isnt truly there yet to make motion capture or 3d games good , there novelty at best .

# gets tackled by 2 large hounds one holding a knotted rope #

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