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Yeah, it works pretty well, actually. We've actually done three players, bow, Mako and me, which worked surprisingly well. It takes longer than a round the table game, but it does work. If you ever get it, might be able to try a four player game and all the nonsense that goes with that. :P lol. I've only ever topped out at three, and it's fairly nuts even there, lol.

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Not bad ed..since the house move I have been taking stock of my mini collection and have stripped it back to refocus my attention into a smaller number of areas.


I have sold ALL of my Menoth stuff as Warmachine is tailing off around here and just kept a little trollbloods force to play with.


I am concentrating now on three main systems and armies.  So as always it is my Dwarfs for Warhammer (keep meaning to order some of the new plastics), Raven Guard for 40k and then my Malifaux minis.


By sticking to just these I hope to be able to get more painted things on the table and get more gametime rather than constantly building!


What about you Ed?

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I used to play the Pokemon card game in its first run. Only tournament I've ever won. In the finals I was facing one of the local CCG experts. I had a Haunter out against his Blastoise. I should've been in a bad situation, but he kept flipping tails so his big bad monster kept falling asleep and thus, couldn't attack. I even said "dude, here, flip a real coin- something is wrong with that cardboard thing" (they used to include a cardboard "coin" for flipping in the box, and it landed face-down a lot. I'm pretty sure the shiny coating on the heads side caused this). He insisted on using the one in the box, and he lost. He would've probably won pretty handily otherwise.


My one tournament win is a fluke. Story of my life.


After that, I lost interest. The scene was mostly kids and adult jerks who wanted to be dominant players by crushing said kids. I tended to not play the children, and if I did, I deliberately used goofy theme or experimental decks to handicap myself. Should've sold that Charizard card when I had the chance, heh heh.


Not bad ed..since the house move I have been taking stock of my mini collection and have stripped it back to refocus my attention into a smaller number of areas.


I have sold ALL of my Menoth stuff as Warmachine is tailing off around here and just kept a little trollbloods force to play with.


I am concentrating now on three main systems and armies.  So as always it is my Dwarfs for Warhammer (keep meaning to order some of the new plastics), Raven Guard for 40k and then my Malifaux minis.


By sticking to just these I hope to be able to get more painted things on the table and get more gametime rather than constantly building!


What about you Ed?


You mean Dwarfs for Kings of War :P


Did Americans invent the plural form "dwarves"? UK, Australian, and Canadian gamers always talk about "Dwarfs" yet they almost always say "Elves." It should either be Dwarfs and Elfs, or Dwarves and Elves.


Don't get me started on the Toronto Maple Leafs...</Seinfeld>

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So as always it is my Dwarfs for Warhammer (keep meaning to order some of the new plastics), Raven Guard for 40k and then my Malifaux minis.

I think the plastic gyrocopter is really cute. I don't have a Dwarf army though, or play much Warhammer these days.

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