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Off to lunch soon! Then off for the rest of the afternoon...well, sort of. Taking vacation this weekend, originally were supposed to take a short weekend trip, but some money we were expecting hasn't arrived yet...so....argh. Already had the time scheduled off from work though, so I'm taking it. Maybe actually get some painting done tomorrow! :)

Malifaux tonight! Woot! Hoping the stuff I ordered will be in tonight, but I doubt it, since I just placed the order on Saturday. Waiting on my Friekorps so I can start playing with the Viks a bit more. ;)

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I can't buy any new mini's despite the two I want most from book two being available this month and last (snowstorm and Nekima :( ) My B-day is soon and I am not allowed to buy things like this, apparently it is hard to shop for me.

I actually got to play on Tuesday, a guy who was on the fence about the game won't be playing anymore, though he is selling a nicely painted Pandora crew. He thinks the game is too complex with the models having too many rules. <shrug> Malifaux isn't the game for him I guess.

Hmmn, what else, oh yes, working with new scary chemicals, which is always.... exciting. Lunch soon!

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friekorps seem to run really well with the Viks... Von Schill is a nasty thing... with his augmented jump and immune to explosions... So I hit him with my big swords instead :angel:

Not a bad solution to them ;D Though I tend to prefer razor sharp claws or Mind Bullets :D

Freikorps are awesome, love the models, the concept, the execution... love them. But man does Levy HATE dealing with them with his Vanilla models... Undead and Construct ><

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@Elril - make sure wash your hands:p:

# wrestles with very large guild hound , keeping its dried cow hide from her#

*eyes the hound and considers it for a mount*

Neh... that won't end well....

*Leans against Fells head*

So whats the Chemical Elril?

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I'm currrenty thinking about my next order of Malifaux,

I need some paints

Lady J is lonely so I might get her some death marshals and the judge and possible the scales if have enough

Excellent! Lady J can always use some new friends and Death Marshals are awesome, especially with the judge.

And I'm off to a meeting! Be back in a bit.


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