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I probably should stop buying new minis anyway, as I want to spend some time at least finishing building the ones I have already!


I must have about 2000pts of Warhammer dwarfs to build, three malifaux crews, a boatload of Menoth stuff too..


Thankfully though I have about 4000pts worth of Orks, the majority of it was second hand and prebuilt!  Just 6 meganobz to build!...will try and do them this weekend.

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Don't we all have more minis than we can realistically paint in a reasonable time frame? I know I do.

Got to go flying today, so fun! If you guys ever get the chance to go for a ride in a helicopter (I mean a real flight, not that go up, fly a small circle, come back for $50 nonsense) jump on it. It's a pretty awesome experience.

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Heh, that works too.


I'm doing alright. Work is more interesting than yesterday, and I got paid for my commission work. \o/ Surprisingly enough, still haven't ordered my Retribution stuff, although I can afford it all now... >.> Maybe next week, lol.

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