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Have to say, the French were fairly badass in WWI... it's why all the 'surrender' jokes bug me. Anyone spouting those off has never actually read anything about the World Wars. Hell, even in WWII it took Rommel, the father of modern war, disobeying orders to get the victory that the Germans pulled off in France. When the only reason you lost so quickly was one of the geniuses of warfare risking court martial because he knew better than his commanders, you're doing something right.

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Well, there's not a whole lot you can do when everyone is expecting a push through the France/Germany border and instead Germany comes out of Belgium with hellfire in their eyes and riding a fiery steed of doom, lol. Outflanking- works even strategically! Unless you're playing Risk. >.>


Yeah, I heard about that mutiny, from what I remember it was fairly well deserved though, lol.

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Well its what they did in the first war, why the didn't see it coming in the second is beyond me..... they actually had defenses there but moved them days before the attack because they could not see how anybody could bring tanks through there.


And yeah the mutiny was mainly about getting conditions on par with the Brits and Germans as French conditions were pretty poor.

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Yeah, but in WWI the Germans were doing something a little different, if I remember right, based on Bismarck's old plans. The whole revolving door strategy (which of course they screwed up. Good job guys. >.> Probably would've worked too) was the choice in WWI, and relied on pinning down the French army with theirs, then hitting them on the flank. WWII, I think they tossed out the whole 'pinning' thing and just decided to outright flank them, lol.

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Yeah. Honestly, it's sad that I never actually figured out what the hell was going on with WWI until I saw a British documentary on it last year...


in the US, it's all buzzwords and catch phrases, but no one has a fething clue what it means.

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Honestly, most of modern history gets ignored in US history classes. I took one course *ever* that got as far as Vietnam excepting my JROTC class. Otherwise we were lucky to get to WWII which was two days on the war and a week on the holocaust.

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School...  ummm.... nope, it was far to long ago for me to remember much from it.  However, I do remember correcting my teachers a lot in mathematics, heh.


Tonight sees the start of my Tuesday gaming group starting off a Squadron UK campaign where I am playing a sneaky heroine called Lady Fade who also works for a Torchwood-like organisation on the sly and is secretly spying on the other characters.  Yeah, I never can play someone run-of-the-mill, I have to add some little twist.  We tried out the system a couple of months back and it was fun, but have yet to do a proper game so we'll see how tonight goes.  What I do like is that the GM is producing game versions of the local newspaper now and then covering the major points of local news :)

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Ah, those little touches can make games so much more awesome.

I'm with you on odd characters, most of mine have some glaring flaw or moral blind spot that causes at least as many problems as it solves.

My assassin in iron kingdoms will only kill people chosen by his goddess, so unless there's a vague 'divine sign' he won't do a thing...

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Yeah, it is! Looks like some shiny stuff, but I think I'll be passing on a gencon order this year... nothing I'm really itching to get among the starter sets, and still have little interest in the greenies, so the Nightmare Whiskey Golem is sweet but doesn't help, lol. Oh well, needed to cut back anyway.

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