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school rules state: no phones, mp3 players, or other electronic devices may be used in school between 8am and 2pm (with obvious exceptions)

A girl was listening to music in the lab... I asked for her head phones. She refused to give them up, so I sent her to see her vice principal...

It is asstonishing to me that these kids feel like there are no consequences to their actions. If you catch them today, and tomorrow, they get mad at YOU for catching them, not themselves for breaking the rules *shakes head*

*shakes head*

Yeah you gotta love kids like that.... privileged jerks is what they are. The rules may seem silly, but you have to follow them. Otherwise Im surprised your school has such strict rules on electronics.... they seem a bit silly strict to be honest....

@All: Thank you lol. Proves I spend to much time here XD

@AB: Where the heck did you find that price? Something has to be wrong...

@Sketch: He looks far to innocent.... *Throws a tweedly villain mustache on him* Better =D

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The no electronics has a three fold reason: first, it is against the law to take pictures of students in a school except in certain circumstances. This is to protect students from creepers and PIs and each other (how'd you like it if some popular kid took pictures of you changing in the locker and put them on face book?) Second, Students can use some things (like iPods) to cheat. Thirdly, They can be destracting to the user, and the people around them (these kids have no respect for their ear drums *shakes head*).

In the end it's easier to say none at all than pick and choose. If a student wants to use a lop top, they may, with permission from the teacher.

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The no electronics has a three fold reason: first, it is against the law to take pictures of students in a school except in certain circumstances. This is to protect students from creepers and PIs and each other (how'd you like it if some popular kid took pictures of you changing in the locker and put them on face book?) Second, Students can use some things (like iPods) to cheat. Thirdly, They can be destracting to the user, and the people around them (these kids have no respect for their ear drums *shakes head*).

In the end it's easier to say none at all than pick and choose. If a student wants to use a lop top, they may, with permission from the teacher.

Alright when you put it that way, makes sense XD

@Sketch: yeah basically, nice and tweedly

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Yeah not too bad. Stupid chair not designed for giants leaning too far back!

Serve me right for laughing too much.... Thank god the office was empty!


yeah I know this feeling. the worst are the ones you can adjust, so the lower back bad is basically in our rear end or just above it... NOT comfortible ><

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yeah I know this feeling. the worst are the ones you can adjust, so the lower back bad is basically in our rear end or just above it... NOT comfortible ><

tell me about it. I haven't found a comfortable office chair in years.... #looks angrily at sheepish looking office chair#


Hmmm...methinks you have angered the bear KArn.... watch your back. He has a knife and now a blue bear costume......

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