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Yeah, I'm reading through Rites of Passage right now. It's a series of short stories/novellas (somewhere in the middle) that are about all the journeyman warcasters from Warmachine Tactics. It's really good, I've read through the Cygnar, Khador, Menoth and Cryx ones. Just Retribution and Mercenaries left.

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Good morning!!! How is everything today?

I'm pinging off the tent walls, no sugar added, and there is NOTHING for my maintenance unit to do. Today will be interesting. We have horseshoes, ladder golf, and a projector screen for movies. I've also got some work on my computer I could do, and prep for my groups first session...

What's everyone else up to?

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~Sips ale in the shadows whilst watching the thread pass me by~


Yeah, and you thought I'd disappeared, I was merely lurking, muahahahaha!


Sadly the Gothic Showgirls all starved to death since I couldn't be bothered to feed them.  However, good news is they are now all Zombie Gothic Showgirls!


As for reality (it is still there, I checked), not much painting going on (I am way behind on my goal to paint all my Zombicide minis this year), but I have been playing a lot of Gloom, Eden Escape, Star Fluxx, Elder Sign, Chez Goth, Munchkin Zombies, Zombicide along with more games I can possibly list right here.

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Star fluxx is fun!

Steam, how to train your dragon 2 was awesome! Yes? No? Mm?

I have been up to absolutely nothing. Thank you Army. AT this year is in Kansas, I'm in a maintenance unit. There is no maintenance to do. We are not expecting there to be any at all. The most exciting thing to happen for us as a unit is our lunch cookouts. Burgers, brats, pork loin, hot dogs... Today we're smoking brats.

We are also being punished because HHC abused the GSA vehicles so now we can't go anywhere. Hopefully our leadership will get brigade to be reasonable so we can make a Walmart run and grab things we forgot.

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