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Distracting yourself is honestly your best bet right now. If you can find something to bury yourself in, you will make it through the day just fine =)

You could always dive into a Wiki article and write up another model, easy to bury yourself in those =)

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Morning. Day is off to a rough start. Think the janitorial staff broke one of my reactions (knocked the flask off the shelf) and a coworker is pouting because I don't agree with his opinion of mythbusters. Why does it feel like I am back in school?

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my books are out in the car *lame*... I will go get them at lunch time... I redid my family tree... again... I am cousins with Cersei and her brothers now.... and a distant relative of Robert's (as in, my mother is a distant cousin of the Baratheon line... my Great Grandmother was a Targaryen, and I am a Lannister....



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@Elril: Ohh wherer do you work man? Getting to play with Chemicals is always fun =D

@Fell: There you go, after lunch you can work on it and bury yourself in the article =)

@lame MTG players: Blah that sucks. Thankfully our MTG crowd has calmed down, they are still a bit hyper at times but they don't cause trouble any more.

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my books are out in the car *lame*... I will go get them at lunch time... I redid my family tree... again... I am cousins with Cersei and her brothers now.... and a distant relative of Robert's (as in, my mother is a distant cousin of the Baratheon line... my Great Grandmother was a Targaryen, and I am a Lannister....



Hmmm. definitely intertwining yourself deep into the politics of the kingdoms...you may actually find you are a powerful character. I still don't like the fact you are a lannister (bleurghh) but they do have the most intriguing histories and characters! I just hope you Don't follow the same 'interpersonal' relationships that Cersei does!! ;)

All this tweaking....do you think you will ever be happy with the finished character? Its kinda hard I guess when the trees are so convoluted!

@elril: what were you reacting? :) I want to play with chemicals :D and stupid high school drama sucks no matter where it is... we are having a drama issue with a few of the MTG folks... *shakes head* someday peopel will grow up... I hope....

Some people never grow up...shame, but I tend to drift away from them.... Life seems to be easier then!

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Hmmm. definitely intertwining yourself deep into the politics of the kingdoms...you may actually find you are a powerful character. I still don't like the fact you are a lannister (bleurghh) but they do have the most intriguing histories and characters! I just hope you Don't follow the same 'interpersonal' relationships that Cersei does!! ;)

All this tweaking....do you think you will ever be happy with the finished character? Its kinda hard I guess when the trees are so convoluted!

This last tweak was to move myself from being Cousins with Cersei's children to being Cousins with Cersei. I am the eldest of four (at 16). I have a younger sister who is 12, a younger brother who is 10, and a younger sister who is 6.

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This last tweak was to move myself from being Cousins with Cersei's children to being Cousins with Cersei. I am the eldest of four (at 16). I have a younger sister who is 12, a younger brother who is 10, and a younger sister who is 6.

Ah, I think i am following you....so how old is Cersei at this point?

be careful, at that age you will be being lined up for a marriage! These Lannisters will do anything to get more power! ;)

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erm... well... Robert has been King at least two years... so I don't know how old that makes Cersei... And being of marriage age was kinda the point.... only... I'm un-wed-ible... I grew up on country estates where my best friend was a foresters son... I can shoot a bow as well as any of the men at arms... and I'm obstinant....

But I don't want the throne; My best friend and mother were killed by *pick a rival family*. My ambition is revenge. :D

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erm... well... Robert has been King at least two years... so I don't know how old that makes Cersei... And being of marriage age was kinda the point.... only... I'm un-wed-ible... I grew up on country estates where my best friend was a foresters son... I can shoot a bow as well as any of the men at arms... and I'm obstinant....

But I don't want the throne; My best friend and mother were killed by *pick a rival family*. My ambition is revenge. :D

I don't know if you have a timeline but I just checked on the timeline that is in the novels and Cersei was born in 266. I don't know if that makes sense..

This is the link I found:


And your character sounds cool and feisty... I like feisty women. She sounds like an older Arya Stark! (the young daughter of Eddard Stark who just wants to learn swordfighting)

Revenge is always a good ambition....

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*Nom nom cookies, chage slams shut around me*


Well since I'm here Darksider 2



Gah I can't wait! I LOVED the first game, the story, the voices, the gameplay... all epic. Come on time... move faster! *violently shakes thread in anticipation* O.o

The game was left at such a cliffhanger and I'm glad you get to play Death next. The Skeletal wings look awesome and I am so glad they game him a Scythe of some sort at least.

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